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P. Yadav, Sharma, N., Patrike, A., Sabri, Y. M., Jones, L. A., and V. Shelke, M., Electrochemical evaluation of the stability and capacity of r-GO-wrapped copper antimony chalcogenide anode for Li-ion battery, ChemElectroChem, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 3291-3300, 2020.
S. Seo, Kim, Y., You, J., Sarwade, B. D., Wadgaonkar, P. P., Menon, S. K., More, A. S., and Kim, E., Electrochemical fluorescence switching from a patternable poly(1,3,4-oxadiazole) thin film, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 637-643, 2011.
S. Pattanayak, Chowdhury, D. Roy, Garai, B., Singh, K. K., Paul, A., Dhar, B. B., and Gupta, S. Sen, Electrochemical formation of Fe-V (O) and mechanism of its reaction with water during O-O bond formation, Chemistry-A European Journal, vol. 23 , no. 14, pp. 3414-3424, 2017.
S. Mahima, Chaki, N. K., Sharma, J., Kakade, B. A., Pasricha, R., Rao, A. M., and Vijayamohanan, K., Electrochemical organization of monolayer protected gold nanoclusters on single-walled carbon nanotubes: significantly enhanced double layer capacitance, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1387-1391, 2006.
K. Bin Masood, Parte, G., Jain, N., Dwivedi, P. K., Kumar, P., ,, Patel, R., and Singh, J., Electrochemical performance of pre-lithiated ZnMoO4 and r-GO@ZnMoO4 composite anode for lithium-ion battery application, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 112, pp. 60-66, 2020.
M. G. Wankhede, Gaikwad, A. B., and Patil, P. P., Electrochemical polymerization of o-anisidine on low carbon steel from aqueous salicylate solution: corrosion protection study, Surface & Coating Technology, vol. 201, no. 6, pp. 2240-2247, 2006.
D. B. Shinde and Pillai, V. K., Electrochemical preparation of luminescent graphene quantum dots from multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Chemistry-A European Journal, vol. 18, no. 39, pp. 12522-12528, 2012.
D. B. Shinde, Dhavale, V. M., Kurungot, S., and Pillai, V. K., Electrochemical preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots and their size-dependent electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 435-442, 2015.
J. Debgupta, Devarapalli, R. Reddy, Rahman, S., Shelke, M. V., and Pillai, V. K., Electrochemical preparation of vertically aligned, hollow CdSe nanotubes and their p-n junction hybrids with electrodeposited Cu2O, Nanoscale, vol. 6, no. 15, pp. 9148-9156, 2014.
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D. B. Shinde and Pillai, V. K., Electrochemical resolution of multiple redox events for graphene quantum dots, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 2482-2485, 2013.
B. R. Sathe, Risbud, M. S., Mulla, I. S., and Pillai, V. K., Electrochemical sensing of sulphur dioxide: a comparison using dodecanethiol and citrate capped gold nanoclusters, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3184-3190, 2008.
V. A. Murugan, Gopinath, C. S., and Vijayamohanan, K., Electrochemical studies of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) PEDOT/VS2 nanocomposite as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 213-218, 2005.
V. Shinde, Sainkar, S. R., and Patil, P. P., Electrochemical synthesis and corrosion protection properties of poly(o-toluidine) coatings on low carbon steel, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 685-695, 2005.
S. Sahoo, Naik, K. Kumar, Late, D. J., and Rout, C. Sekhar, Electrochemical synthesis of a ternary transition metal sulfide nanosheets on nickel foam and energy storage application, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 695, pp. 154-161, 2017.
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S. Bose, Debgupta, J., Ramsundar, R. M., and Das, S. K., Electrochemical water oxidation catalyzed by an in situ generated alpha-Co(OH)(2) film on zeolite-Y surface, Chemistry-A European Journal, vol. 23, no. 33, pp. 8051-8057, 2017.
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R. Sivakumar, Gopinath, C. S., Jayachandran, M., and Sanjeeviraja, C., Electrochromic device (ECD) cell characterization on electron beam evaporated MoO3 films by intercalating/deintercalating the H+ ions, Current Applied Physics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 76-86, 2007.
M. Kurian, Vijayakumar, V., Manna, N., Kanheerampockil, F., Bhat, S., and Kurungot, S., Electrode|electrolyte interface enhancement in quasi-solid-state zinc-air batteries through an anion conducting polymer electrolyte interlayer by in situ polymerization, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 11, no. 27, pp. 14776-14787, 2023.
A. M. Chandran, Karumuthil, S. Cherumanni, Singh, A. K., and Prasad, B. L. V., Electrodeposited Co-Mn-Sn multicomponent alloy as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 49, pp. 658-667, 2024.
S. Dilwale, Ghosh, M., Vijayakumar, V., and Kurungot, S., Electrodeposited layered sodium vanadyl phosphate (NaxVOPO4 center dot nH(2)O) as cathode material for aqueous rechargeable zinc metal batteries, Energy & Fuels, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 6520-6531, 2022.
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