CSIR-NKRC Consorita

About CSIR Consortium

CSIR E-Journals Consortium is a network project under 10th five year plan to bridge-up and strengthen the constant decline of journals information base in CSIR labs/institutes. NISCAIR is one of the constituent units of CSIR in the area of information science has been entrusted implementation of this projects aims providing access to 4500 world class  e-journals to all S & T personnel of CSIR through pooling and sharing resources. A beginning in this direction was made in 2002 when CSIR entered into an agreement with M/s Elsevier Science to access their 1500+ journals. Presently, agreements have been done with 11 publishers facilitating access to 3300+ world-class e-journals to all CSIR S&T staff, as against their print base of 20-200 journals.

CSIR-NCL is having access to 10  publishers based on the its journals subscription.

Publishers covered under CSIR Consortium are

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Institute of Physics (AIP)

American Physical Society (APS)

ithenticate : Plagariasm Software

Nature Titles

Oxford University Press (OUP)

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

SciFinder Database


Taylor & Francis

Thompson Innovation

Wiley ( John Wiley )

Web of Science (WOS)