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T. Kundu, Mitra, S., Patra, P., Goswami, A., Diaz, D. Diaz, and Banerjee, R., Mechanical downsizing of a gadolinium(iii)-based metal-organic framework for anticancer drug delivery, Chemistry-A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 33, pp. 10514-10518, 2014.
L. Rajput and Banerjee, R., Mechanochemical synthesis of amide functionalized porous organic polymers, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2729-2732, 2014.
G. Das, Shinde, D. Balaji, Kandambeth, S., Biswal, B. P., and Banerjee, R., Mechanosynthesis of imine, beta-ketoenamine, and hydrogen-bonded imine-linked covalent organic frameworks using liquid-assisted grinding, Chemical Communications, vol. 50, no. 84, pp. 12615-12618, 2014.
D. K. Dumbre, Selvakannan, P. R., Patil, S. K., Choudhary, V. R., and Bhargava, S. Kumar, Mesoporous, ligand free Cu-Fe solid catalyst mediated CS cross coupling of thiols with aryl halides, Applied Catalysis A-General, vol. 476, pp. 54-60, 2014.
P. S. Deore and Argade, N. P., Metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of halomaleic anhydrides and halomaleimides: synthesis of structurally interesting and biologically important natural and unnatural products, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 281-289, 2014.
C. Sekhar Rout, Khare, R. T., Kashid, R. V., Joag, D. S., More, M. A., Lanzillo, N. A., Washington, M., Nayak, S. K., and Late, D. J., Metallic few-layer flowerlike VS2 nanosheets as field emitters, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, no. 31, pp. 5331-5336, 2014.
T. V. Sagar, Sreelatha, N., Hanmant, G., Upendar, K., Lingaiah, N., Rao, K. Seetha Ram, Satyanarayana, C. V. V., Reddy, I. A. K., and Prasad, P. S. Sai, Methane reforming with carbon dioxide over La-Ni-x-Ce1-x mixed oxide catalysts, Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A-Inorganic Bio-Inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, vol. 53, no. 4-5, pp. 478-483, 2014.
M. Niraj Luwang, Microemulsion mediated synthesis of triangular shape SnO2 nanoparticles: luminescence application, Applied Surface Science, vol. 290, pp. 332-339, 2014.
D. V. Ravi Kumar, Kulkarni, A. A., and Prasad, B. L. V., Microfluidic platform for continuous flow synthesis of triangular gold nanoplates, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 443, pp. 149-155, 2014.
S. Bhogale, Mahajan, A. S., Natarajan, B., Rajabhoj, M., Thulasiram, H. V., and Banerjee, A. K., MicroRNA156: a potential graft-transmissible microrna that modulates plant architecture and tuberization in solanum tuberosum ssp andigena, Plant Physiology, vol. 164, no. 2, pp. 1011-1027, 2014.
J. C. Jose, Khatua, P., Bansal, N., Sengupta, N., and Bandyopadhyay, S., Microscopic hydration properties of the a beta(1-42) peptide monomer and the globular protein ubiquitin: a comparative molecular dynamics study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 118, no. 40, pp. 11591-11604, 2014.
A. Chandra, Deshpande, S., Shinde, D. B., Pillai, V. K., and Singh, N., Mitigating the cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots and enhancing their applications in bioimaging and drug delivery, ACS Macro Letters, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1064-1068, 2014.
P. Raj Pandey and Roy, S., Model atomistic protrusions favouring the ordering and retention of water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 30, pp. 15856-15865, 2014.
Y. Kuen Ho, Doshi, P., Yeoh, H. Koon, and Ngoh, G. Cheng, Modeling chain-end scission using the fixed pivot technique, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 116, pp. 601-610, 2014.
I. Kim, Chakrabarty, S., Brzezinski, P., and Warshel, A., Modeling gating charge and voltage changes in response to charge separation in membrane proteins, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 111, no. 31, pp. 11353-11358, 2014.
S. M. Loya-Mancilla, Poddar, P., Das, R., Ponce, H. E. Esparza, Templeton-Olivares, I. L., Solis-Canto, O. O., Ornelas-Gutierrez, C. E., Espinosa-Magaa, F., and Olive-Mendez, S. F., Modification of crystal anisotropy and enhancement of magnetic moment of Co-doped SnO2 thin films annealed under magnetic field, Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 635, 2014.
P. Khandelwal, Singh, D. K., Sadhu, S., and Poddar, P., Modulation of reaction kinetics for the tuneable synthesis of gold nanoparticles and quantum clusters: application of gold quantum clusters as ``turn-off'' sensing probe for Sn4+ ions, ChemPlusChem, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 134-142, 2014.
A. Banerjee, Upadhyay, K. Kumar, Puthusseri, D., Aravindan, V., Madhavi, S., and Ogale, S., MOF-derived crumpled-sheet-assembled perforated carbon cuboids as highly effective cathode active materials for ultra-high energy density Li-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors (Li-HECs), Nanoscale, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 4387-4394, 2014.
Ruby, Kumar, R. J. Santosh, Vishwakarma, R. K., Singh, S., and Khan, B. Mohammad, Molecular cloning and characterization of genistein 4'-O-glucoside specific glycosyltransferase from Bacopa monniera, Molecular Biology Reports, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 4675-4688, 2014.
G. Shahane, Parsania, C., Sengupta, D., and Joshi, M., Molecular Insights into the dynamics of pharmacogenetically important N-terminal variants of the human beta(2)-adrenergic receptor, Plos Computational Biology, vol. 10, no. 12, p. e1004006, 2014.
S. B. Bansode, Jana, A. K., Batkulwar, K. B., Warkad, S. D., Joshi, R. S., Sengupta, N., and Kulkarni, M. J., Molecular investigations of protriptyline as a multi-target directed ligand in alzheimer's disease, Plos One, vol. 9, no. 8, p. e105196, 2014.
P. Pandya, Agarwal, L. Kr, Gupta, N., and Pal, S., Molecular recognition pattern of cytotoxic alkaloid vinblastine with multiple targets, Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling, vol. 54, pp. 1-9, 2014.
O. Pawar, Patekar, A., Khan, A. A., Kathawate, L., Haram, S. K., Markad, G., Puranik, V. G., and Salunke-Gawali, S., Molecular structures and biological evaluation of 2-chloro-3-(n-alkylamino)-1,4-napthoquinone derivatives as potent antifungal agents, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1059, pp. 68-74, 2014.
S. L. Pandhare, Jadhao, R. R., Puranik, V. G., Joshi, P. V., Capet, F., Dongare, M. K., Umbarkar, S. B., Michon, C., and Agbossou-Niedercorn, F., Molybdenum(VI) dioxo complexes for the epoxidation of allylic alcohols and olefins, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 772, no. 16, pp. 271-279, 2014.
A. N. Kate, Kumbhar, A. A., Khan, A. A., Joshi, P. V., and Puranik, V. G., Monitoring cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of copper(II) complex using a fluorescent anthracene thiosemicarbazone ligand, Bioconjugate Chemistry, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 102-114, 2014.
T. Agarwal, Lalwani, M. Kumar, Kumar, S., Roy, S., Chakraborty, T. Kanti, Sivasubbu, S., and Maiti, S., Morphological effects of G-quadruplex stabilization using a small molecule in zebrafish, Biochemistry, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1117-1124, 2014.
M. Thripuranthaka, Rout, C. Sekhar, and Late, D. J., MoS2 nanoparticles and h-BN nanosheets from direct exfoliation of bulk powder: one-step synthesis method, Materials Research Express, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 035038, 2014.
S. P. Kolet, Haldar, S., Niloferjahan, S., and Thulasiram, H. V., Mucor hiemalis mediated 14 alpha-hydroxylation on steroids: In vivo and in vitro investigations of 14 alpha-hydroxylase activity, Steroids, vol. 85, pp. 6-12, 2014.
A. Bhunia, Kaicharla, T., Porwal, D., Gonnade, R. G., and Biju, A. T., Multicomponent reactions involving phosphines, arynes and aldehydes, Chemical Communications, vol. 50, no. 77, pp. 11389-11392, 2014.
P. Pachfule, Panda, M. K., Kandambeth, S., Shivaprasad, S. M., Diaz, D. Diaz, and Banerjee, R., Multifunctional and robust covalent organic framework-nanoparticle hybrids, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 2, no. 21, pp. 7944-7952, 2014.
L. Narlikar, Multiple novel promoter-architectures revealed by decoding the hidden heterogeneity within the genome, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 42, no. 20, pp. 12388-12403, 2014.
S. K. Rath, Dubey, S., G. Kumar, S., Kumar, S., Patra, A. K., Bahadur, J., Singh, A. K., Harikrishnan, G., and T. Patro, U., Multi-walled CNT-induced phase behaviour of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and its electro-mechanical properties, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 103-113, 2014.
B. P. Gurale, Sardessai, R. S., and Shashidhar, M. S., Myo-Inositol 1,3-acetals as early intermediates during the synthesis of cyclitol derivatives, Carbohydrate Research, vol. 399, no. 4, pp. 8-14, 2014.
N. R. Gupta, Prasad, B. L. V., Gopinath, C. S., and Badiger, M. V., Nanocomposite of silver and thermo-associating polymer by a green route: a potential soft-hard material for controlled drug release, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 20, pp. 10261-10268, 2014.
M. S. Khandekar, Tarwal, N. L., Mulla, I. S., and Suryavanshi, S. S., Nanocrystalline Ce doped CoFe2O4 as an acetone gas sensor, Ceramics International, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 447-452, 2014.
Q. Wang, Plylahan, N., Shelke, M. V., Devarapalli, R. Reddy, Li, M., Subramanian, P., Djenizian, T., Boukherroub, R., and Szunerits, S., Nanodiamond particles/reduced graphene oxide composites as efficient supercapacitor electrodes, Carbon, vol. 68, pp. 175-184, 2014.
R. K. Bhosale, Agarkar, S. A., Agrawal, I., Naphade, R. A., and Ogale, S., Nanophase CulnS(2) nanosheets/CuS composite grown by the SILAR method leads to high performance as a counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cells, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 42, pp. 21989-21996, 2014.
T. Palaniselvam, Valappil, M. Ozhukil, Illathvalappil, R., and Kurungot, S., Nanoporous graphene by quantum dots removal from graphene and its conversion to a potential oxygen reduction electrocatalyst via nitrogen doping, Energy & Environmental Science, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1059-1067, 2014.
B. Saibal, Ashar, A. Z., R. Devi, N., Narayan, K. S., and Asha, S. K., Nanostructured donor-acceptor self assembly with improved photoconductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 19434-19448, 2014.
N. B. Kolhe, Ashar, A. Z., Narayan, K. S., and Asha, S. K., Naphthalene diimide copolymers with oligo(p-phenylenevinylene) and benzobisoxazole for balanced ambipolar charge transport, Macromolecules, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2296–2305, 2014.
J. Kumawat, Gupta, V. Kumar, and Vanka, K., Nature of the active site in ziegler-natta olefin polymerization catalysis systems - a computational investigation, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, no. 29, pp. 5063-5076, 2014.
S. Ratha, Simbeck, A. J., Late, D. J., Nayak, S. K., and Rout, C. Sekhar, Negative infrared photocurrent response in layered WS2/reduced graphene oxide hybrids, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, no. 24, p. 243502, 2014.
A. S. Rewar, Chaudhari, H. D., Illathvalappil, R., Sreekumar, K., and Kharul, U. K., New approach of blending polymeric ionic liquid with polybenzimidazole (PBI) for enhancing physical and electrochemical properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 2, no. 35, pp. 14449-14458, 2014.
M. Mujahid, Kunte, S. S., and Muthukrishnan, M., New enantioselective synthesis of (S)-2-ethoxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)Propanoic acid esters (EEHP and IEHP), useful pharmaceutical intermediates of PPAR agonists, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 55, no. 21, pp. 3223-3226, 2014.
A. Reddi, Mujahid, M., Sasikumar, M., and Muthukrishnan, M., New enantioselective synthesis of the anti-parkinson agent safinamide, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 46, no. 13, pp. 1751-1756, 2014.
N. Kuriakose and Vanka, K., New insights into small molecule activation by acyclic silylenes: a computational investigation, Dalton Transactions, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 2194-2201, 2014.
S. Bhowmick, Kunte, S. S., and Bhowmick, K. C., New organocatalyst derived from abietic acid and 4-hydroxy-L-proline for direct asymmetric aldol reactions in aqueous media, Tetrahedron-Asymmetry, vol. 25, no. 18-19, pp. 1292-1297, 2014.
R. Mukherji, Varshney, N. Kumar, Panigrahi, P., Suresh, C. G., and Prabhune, A., New role for penicillin acylases: degradation of acyl homoserine lactone quorum sensing signals by Kluyvera citrophila penicillin G acylase, Enzyme and Microbial Technology , vol. 56, pp. 1-7, 2014.
T. Banerjee, Biswas, A. Kalam, Sahu, T. Subhra, Ganguly, B., Das, A., and Ghosh, H. Nath, New Ru(II)/Os(II)-polypyridyl complexes for coupling to TiO2 surfaces through acetylacetone functionality and studies on interfacial electron-transfer dynamics, Dalton Transactions, vol. 43, no. 36, pp. 13601-13611, 2014.
K. Joshi-Navare, Singh, P. Kumar, and Prabhune, A., New yeast isolate Pichia caribbica synthesizes xylolipid biosurfactant with enhanced functionality, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, vol. 116, no. 8, pp. 1070-1079, 2014.
S. Mondal, Yetra, S. Reddy, Patra, A., Kunte, S. S., Gonnade, R. G., and Biju, A. T., N-Heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed enantioselective synthesis of functionalized cyclopentenes via alpha,beta-unsaturated acyl azoliums, Chemical Communications, vol. 50, no. 93, pp. 14539-14542, 2014.
A. Banerjee, Upadhyay, K. Kumar, Bhatnagar, S., Tathavadekar, M., Bansode, U. P., Agarkar, S. A., and Ogale, S. B., Nickel cobalt sulfide nanoneedle array as an effective alternative to pt as a counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cells, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 16, pp. 8289-8294, 2014.
A. M. Kulkarni, Desai, U. V., Pandit, K. S., Kulkarni, M. A., and Wadgaonkar, P. P., Nickel ferrite nanoparticles-hydrogen peroxide: a green catalyst-oxidant combination in chemoselective oxidation of thiols to disulfides and sulfides to sulfoxides, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 69, pp. 36702-36707, 2014.
V. M. Dhavale, Gaikwad, S. S., George, L., R. Devi, N., and Kurungot, S., Nitrogen-doped graphene interpenetrated 3D Ni-nanocages: efficient and stable water-to-dioxygen electrocatalysts, Nanoscale, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 13179-13187, 2014.
B. R. Iyengar, Choudhary, A., Sarangdhar, M. A., Venkatesh, K. V., Gadgil, C. J., and Pillai, B., Non-coding RNA interact to regulate neuronal development and function, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, vol. 8, p. 47, 2014.
H. Pol, Banik, S., Azad, L. Busher, Thete, S. Suresh, Doshi, P., and Lele, A. K., Nonisothermal analysis of extrusion film casting process using molecular constitutive equations, Rheologica Acta, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 85-101, 2014.
V. C. Ghantani, Dongare, M. K., and Umbarkar, S. B., Nonstoichiometric calcium pyrophosphate: a highly efficient and selective catalyst for dehydration of lactic acid to acrylic acid, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 63, pp. 33319-33326, 2014.
P. Chatterjee, Bagchi, S., and Sengupta, N., Non-uniform early structural response of globular proteins to cold denaturing conditions: a case study with Yfh1, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 141, no. 20, p. 205103, 2014.
N. Lucas, Kanna, N. Rao, Nagpure, A. S., Kokate, G., and Chilukuri, S. V., Novel catalysts for valorization of biomass to value-added chemicals and fuels, Journal of Chemical Sciences, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 403-413, 2014.
S. P. Chavan, Dumare, N. B., and Pawar, K. P., Novel, concise and efficient protocol for non-natural piperidine compounds, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 62, pp. 32594-32598, 2014.
U. G. Reddy, Agarwalla, H., Taye, N., Ghorai, S., Chattopadhyay, S., and Das, A., Novel fluorescence probe for estimation of cysteine/histidine in human blood plasma and recognition of endogenous cysteine in live Hct116 cells, Chemical Communications, vol. 50, no. 69, pp. 9899-9902, 2014.
R. Mukherji and Prabhune, A., Novel glycolipids synthesized using plant essential oils and their application in quorum sensing inhibition and as antibiofilm agents, Scientific World Journal, no. 3, p. 890709, 2014.
B. Mishra, Agarkar, S. A., and Khushalani, D., Novel precursors for anatase nanorods and their application in DSSCs, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 147, no. 3, pp. 1110-1116, 2014.
A. Bimolini Devi, Moirangthem, D. Singh, Talukdar, N. Chandra, M. Devi, D., N. Singh, R., and Luwang, M. Niraj, Novel synthesis and characterization of CuO nanomaterials: biological applications, Chinese Chemical Letters, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 1615-1619, 2014.
K. Roy and Gopinath, C. S., NOx reduction at near ambient temperatures and under lean-burn conditions on modified pd surfaces, ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 531-537, 2014.
S. B. Baravkar, Roy, A., Gawade, R. L., Puranik, V. G., and Sanjayan, G. J., Nucleophilic ring-opening of benzoxazinones by dbu: some observations, Synthetic Communications, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 2955-2960, 2014.
R. Das and Poddar, P., Observation of exchange bias below incommensurate antiferromagnetic (ICAFM) to canted A-type antiferromagnetic (cAAFM) transition in nanocrystalline orthorhombic EuMnO3, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 21, pp. 10614-10618, 2014.
M. Kumbhakar, Manna, A., Sayed, M., Kumar, A., and Pal, H., Observation of the marcus inverted region for bimolecular photoinduced electron-transfer reactions in viscous media, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 118, no. 36, pp. 10704-10715, 2014.
S. Verma, Kumar, A., Pravarthana, D., Deshpande, A., Ogale, S. B., and Yusuf, S. M., Off-stoichiometric nickel cobaltite nanoparticles: thermal stability, magnetization, and neutron diffraction studies, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, no. 29, pp. 16246-16254, 2014.
R. Gokhale, Aravindan, V., Yadav, P., Jain, S., Phase, D., Madhavi, S., and Ogale, S., Oligomer-salt derived 3D, heavily nitrogen doped, porous carbon for Li-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors application, Carbon, vol. 80, pp. 462-471, 2014.
S. S. Shinde and Patil, S. N., One molecule of ionic liquid and tert-alcohol on a polystyrene-support as catalysts for efficient nucleophilic substitution including fluorination, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 12, no. 45, pp. 9264-9271, 2014.
K. Y. Nandiwale, Galande, N. D., Thakur, P., Sawant, S. D., Zambre, V. P., and Bokade, V. V., One-pot synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by cellulose hydrolysis over highly active bimodal micro/mesoporous H-ZSM-5 catalyst, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 1928-1932, 2014.
R. D. Aher, B. Kumar, S., and Sudalai, A., One-pot synthesis of cyclic carbonates from aldehydes, sulfur ylide, and CO2, Synlett, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 97-101, 2014.
P. Chandra, Doke, D. S., Umbarkar, S. B., and Biradar, A. V., One-pot synthesis of ultrasmall MoO3 nanoparticles supported on SiO2, TiO2, and ZrO2 nanospheres: an efficient epoxidation catalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 2, no. 44, pp. 19060-19066, 2014.
M. Karthikeyan, Open-source tools, techniques, and data in chemoinformatics, in Practical Chemoinformatics, Springer, 2014, pp. 1-92.
Y. Kommagalla, Cornea, S., Riehle, R., Torchilin, V., Degterev, A., and Ramana, C. V., Optimization of the anti-cancer activity of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase pathway inhibitor PITENIN-1: switching thiourea with 1,2,3-triazole, Medchemcomm, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1359-1363, 2014.
S. Singh, Venugopalan, V., and Krishnamoorthy, K., Organic soluble and uniform film forming oligoethylene glycol substituted BODIPY small molecules with improved hole mobility, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 26, pp. 13376-13382, 2014.
V. Jha and Kumar, P., Organocatalytic stereoselective approach to the total synthesis of (-)-halosaline, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 3238-3244, 2014.
A. Deshpande, Kelkar, S. A., Rayalu, S., and Ogale, S., Orthorhombic/cubic Cd2SnO4 nanojunctions: enhancing solar water splitting efficiency by the suppression of charge recombination, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 492-499, 2014.
P. Mahato, Saha, S., Das, P., Agarwalla, H., and Das, A., Overview of the recent developments on Hg2+ recognition, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 68, pp. 36140-36174, 2014.
V. R. Acham, Biradar, A. V., Dongare, M. K., Kemnitz, E., and Umbarkar, S. B., Palladium nanoparticles supported on magnesium hydroxide fluorides: a selective catalyst for olefin hydrogenation, ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 3182-3191, 2014.
A. Kumar Dutta, Gupta, J., Pathak, H., Vaval, N., and Pal, S., Partitioned EOMEA-MBPT(2): an efficient N-5 scaling method for calculation of electron affinities, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1923-1933, 2014.
D. G. Bhagat, Mule, B., Mandlekar, N., Pandare, K., and Kharul, U. K., PBI-BuI and PAN-PSSALi based UF membranes: effects of solute and membrane surface interactions on rejection and flux, Desalination, vol. 333, no. 1, pp. 45-51, 2014.
S. R. Gaikwad, Deshmukh, S. S., and Chikkali, S. H., Pd-Phosphinesulfonate bravely battles the ``vinyl halide insertion copolymerization'' barricade, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 2014.
L. Thukral, Sengupta, D., and Gokhale, R. S., Permeation of lipidated protein in bilayer using unbiased simulations reveals signature motif for protein-membrane binding, Biophysical Journal, vol. 106, no. 2, p. 99A, 2014.
D. Ghosh, Perturbative approximation to hybrid equation of motion coupled cluster/effective fragment potential method, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 140, no. 9, p. 094101, 2014.
A. Nangia, Pharmaceutical solids in crystal engineering, Acta Crystallographica A‐Foundation and Advances, vol. 70, p. C12, 2014.
R. Vyas, Goel, P., Karthikeyan, M., Tambe, S. S., and Kulkarni, B. D., Pharmacokinetic modeling of caco-2 cell permeability using genetic programming (GP) method, Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 1112-1118, 2014.
A. V. Nikam, Arulkashmir, A., Krishnamoorthy, K., Kulkarni, A. A., and Prasad, B. L. V., pH-Dependent single-step rapid synthesis of cuo and cu2o nanoparticles from the same precursor, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4329-4334, 2014.
P. Sharma and Singh, A. P., Phosphine free SBA-15-EDTA-Pd highly active recyclable catalyst: synthesis characterization and application for suzuki and sonogashira reaction, Catalysis Science & Technology, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 2978-2989, 2014.
S. Chandra, Kundu, T., Kandambeth, S., BabaRao, R., Marathe, Y. N., Kunjir, S. M., and Banerjee, R., Phosphoric acid loaded azo (-N=N-) based covalent organic framework for proton conduction, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, no. 18, pp. 6570-6573, 2014.
S. B. Narendranath, Yadav, A. Kumar, Bhattacharyya, D., Jha, S. Nath, and R. Devi, N., Photocatalytic H-2 evolution from water-methanol system by anisotropic InFeO3(ZnO)(m) oxides without cocatalyst in visible light, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 6, no. 15, pp. 12321-12327, 2014.
S. Saha, Das, G., Thote, J., and Banerjee, R., Photocatalytic metal-organic framework from cds quantum dot incubated luminescent metallohydrogel, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, no. 42, pp. 14845-14851, 2014.
B. Garai and Banerjee, R., Photochromic metal organic frameworks for inkless and erasable printing, Acta Crystallographica A‐Foundation and Advances, vol. 70, p. C110, 2014.
V. Sharma, Dixit, M., Satsangi, V. R., Dass, S., Pal, S., and Shrivastav, R., Photoelectrochemical splitting of water with nanocrystalline Zn1-xMnxO thin films: first-principle DFT computations supporting the systematic experimental endeavor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 3637-3648, 2014.
P. G. Chavan, More, M. A., Joag, D. S., Badadhe, S. S., and Mulla, I. S., Photo-enhanced field emission studies of tapered CdS nanobelts, in 2014 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC) , 345 E 47th St, New York, NY 10017 USA, 2014.
J. Debgupta, Mandal, S., Kalita, H., Aslam, M., Patra, A., and Pillai, V., Photophysical and photoconductivity properties of thiol-functionalized graphene-CdSe QD composites, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 27, pp. 13788-13795, 2014.
R. Babu, Kelkar, S. A., Kashid, V., Achary, S. N., Salunke, H. G., and Gupta, N. M., Photophysical, bandstructural, and textural properties of o-FeNbO4 in relation to its cocatalyst-assisted photoactivity for water oxidation, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 63, pp. 33435-33445, 2014.
R. Harikrishna, Ponrathnam, S., and Rajan, C. R., Photopolymerization kinetics of bis-aromatic based urethane acrylate macromonomers in the presence of reactive diluent, Progress in Organic Coatings, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 225-231, 2014.
H. Reghunathan, Photopolymerization kinetics of block polyether based terminal urethane methacrylate with/without cross-linker, Advances in Polymer Technology, vol. 33, no. 3, p. 21418, 2014.
