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S. B. Shinde and Deshpande, R. M., Kinetics of hydrogenation of lauric acid in a batch slurry reactor using Ru-Sn/TiO2 catalyst, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 2767-2771, 2012.
S. Vijay Jagtap and Deshpande, R. Madhukar, Kinetics of the Heck reaction in biphasic organic-ethylene glycol medium, Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 457-473, 2012.
B. D. Kulkarni, L. K. Doraiswamy (1927-2012), Current Science, vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 571-572, 2012.
G. Kumaraswamy, Surve, N. S., Mathew, R., Rana, A., Jha, S. K., Bulakh, N. N., Nisal, A., Ajithkumar, T. G., Rajamohanan, P. R., and Ratnagiri, R., Lamellar melting, not crystal motion, results in softening of polyoxymethylene on heating, Macromolecules, vol. 45, no. 15, pp. 5967-5978, 2012.
A. D. Ruikar, Pawar, P. V., Sen, A., Phalgune, U. D., Puranik, V. G., and Deshpande, N. R., Larvicidal potential of mimusops elengi against aedes aegypti (L) and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say), Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 111-113, 2012.
R. Gokhale, Agarkar, S. A., Debgupta, J., Shinde, D., Lefez, B., Banerjee, A., Jog, J. Prakash, More, M. A., Hannoyer, B., and Ogale, S. B., Laser synthesized super-hydrophobic conducting carbon with broccoli-type morphology as a counter-electrode for dye sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, vol. 4, no. 21, pp. 6730-6734, 2012.
M. Hudlikar, Joglekar, S., Dhaygude, M., and Kodam, K. M., Latex-mediated synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles: green synthesis approach, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 865, 2012.
S. Abdul Rash Mulla, Inamdar, S. M., Pathan, M. Y., and Chavan, S. S., Ligand free, highly efficient synthesis of diaryl ether over copper fluorapatite as heterogeneous reusable catalyst, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 53, no. 14, pp. 1826-1829, 2012.
R. M. Singh, Chandra, A., Sharma, N., Singh, B., and Kumar, R., Ligand promoted and controlled palladium-catalyzed intramolecular Heck reaction of homoallyl alcohols: a facile synthesis of cyclopentaannulated quinolines, Tetrahedron, vol. 68, no. 45, pp. 9206-9210, 2012.
B. Rupani, Kodam, K. M., Gadre, R. V., and Najafpour, G. D., Lipase-mediated hydrolysis of flax seed oil for selective enrichment of alpha-linolenic acid, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, vol. 114, no. 11, pp. 1246-1253, 2012.
H. S. Bhonsle, Korwar, A. M., Kote, S. S., Golegaonkar, S. B., Chougale, A. D., Shaik, M. L., Dhande, N. L., Giri, A. P., Shelgikar, K. M., Boppana, R., and Kulkarni, M. J., Low plasma albumin levels are associated with increased plasma protein glycation and HbA1c in diabetes, Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1391-1396, 2012.
V. Menon and Rao, M., Low-molecular-mass aspartic protease inhibitor from a novel penicillium sp.: implications in combating fungal infections, Microbiology-SGM, vol. 158, no. 7, pp. 1897-1907, 2012.
N. Somaiah, Jayaraman, T. V., Joy, P. Alias, and Das, D., Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of Zn-doped cobalt-ferrites-CoFe2-xZnxO4 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 324, no. 14, pp. 2286-2291, 2012.
A. B. Nawale, Kanhe, N. S., Patil, K. R., Reddy, V. R., Gupta, A., Kale, B. B., Bhoraskar, S. V., Mathe, V. L., and Das, A. K., Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 synthesized by thermal plasma in large scale, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 137, no. 2, pp. 586-595, 2012.
A. J. Hussain, Ali, J., Siddiq, E. A., Gupta, V. S., Reddy, U. K., and Ranjekar, P. K., Mapping of tms8 gene for temperature-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Breeding, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 42-47, 2012.
S. Gokhale and Gadgil, C. J., Mathematical model identifies conditions for 'unexpected' increase in target protein levels due to miRNA regulation, Mol. BioSyst., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 760-765, 2012.
A. Jha, Garade, A. C., Mirajkar, S. P., and Rode, C. V., MCM-41 supported phosphotungstic acid for the hydroxyalkylation of phenol to phenolphthalein, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 3916-3922, 2012.
A. V. Maldhure, Ekhe, J. D., and Deenadayalan, E., Mechanical properties of polypropylene blended with esterified and alkylated lignin, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 125, no. 3, pp. 1701-1712, 2012.
R. Das, Pachfule, P., Banerjee, R., and Poddar, P., Metal and metal oxide nanoparticle synthesis from metal organic frameworks (MOFs): finding the border of metal and metal oxides, Nanoscale, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 591-599, 2012.
P. Kumar Yadav, Kumari, N., Pachfule, P., Banerjee, R., and Mishra, L., Metal [Zn(II), Cd(II)], 1,10-phenanthroline containing coordination polymers constructed on the skeleton of polycarboxylates: synthesis, characterization, microstructural, and CO2 gas adsorption studies, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 5311-5319, 2012.
K. S. Thushara, Gnanakumar, E. S., Mathew, R., Ajithkumar, T. G., Rajamohanan, P. R., Bhaduri, S., and Gopinath, C. S., MgCl2 center dot 4((CH3)(2)CHCH2OH): a new molecular adduct for the preparation of TiClx/MgCl2 catalyst for olefin polymerization, Dalton Transactions, vol. 41, no. 37, pp. 11311-11318, 2012.
E. S. Gnanakumar, Thushara, K. S., Gowda, R. R., Raman, S. K., Ajithkumar, T. G., Rajamohanan, P. R., Chakraborty, D., and Gopinath, C. S., MgCl2 center dot 6C(6)H(11)OH: a high mileage porous support for ziegler-natta catalyst, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, no. 45, pp. 24115-24122, 2012.
B. Mohan Panda and Hazra, S., Micropropagation of semecarpus anacardium L.: a medicinally important tree species, Plant Biosystems, vol. 146, pp. 61-68, 2012.
U. K. Bansal, Zwart, R. S., Bhavani, S., Wanyera, R., Gupta, V., and Bariana, H. S., Microsatellite mapping identifies TTKST-effective stem rust resistance gene in wheat cultivars VL404 and Janz, Molecular Breeding, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1757-1765, 2012.
S. S. Patil, Venugopal, E., Bhat, S. K., Mahadik, K. R., and Paradkar, A. R., Microstructural elucidation of self-emulsifying system: effect of chemical structure, Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 2180-2188, 2012.
K. Kaushlendra and Asha, S. K., Microstructural reorganization and cargo release in pyrene urethane methacrylate random copolymer hollow capsules, Langmuir, vol. 28, no. 35, pp. 12731-12743, 2012.
P. Sharma, Lazar, A., and Singh, A. P., Mn(III) based binapthyl schiff base complex hetrogenized over organo-modified SBA-15: synthesis, characterization and catalytic application, Applied Catalysis A-General, vol. 439, pp. 101-110, 2012.
A. V. Pandit, Kumar, A., G. Rao, S., Kedarnath, C., Srihari, R., and Ranade, V. V., Modeling of liquid propellant combustion chamber, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 207, pp. 151-166, 2012.
A. Banerjee, Gokhale, R., Bhatnagar, S., Jog, J. Prakash, Bhardwaj, M., Lefez, B., Hannoyer, B., and Ogale, S. B., MOF derived porous carbon-Fe3O4 nanocomposite as a high performance, recyclable environmental superadsorbent, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, no. 37, pp. 19694-19699, 2012.
S. Salunke-Gawali, Kathawate, L., and Puranik, V. G., MOF with hydroxynaphthoquinone as organic linker: molecular structure of [Zn(Chlorolawsone)(2)(H2O)(2)] and thermogravimetric studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1022, pp. 189-196, 2012.
S. Pahari, Choudhury, C. Kumar, Pandey, P. Raj, More, M., Venkatnathan, A., and Roy, S., Molecular dynamics simulation of phosphoric acid doped monomer of polybenzimidazole: a potential component polymer electrolyte membrane of fuel cell, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 116, no. 24, pp. 7357-7366, 2012.
K. Sivaranjani, Verma, A., and Gopinath, C. S., Molecular oxygen-assisted oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene with nanocrystalline Ti1-xVxO2, Green Chemistry, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 461-471, 2012.
R. B. Karyappa and Natarajan, U., Molecular simulations of the conformational properties of atactic poly(2-ethylbutyl methacrylate), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 1586-1591, 2012.
R. S. Diggikar, Dhavale, V. M., Shinde, D. B., Kanbargi, N. S., Kulkarni, M. V., and Kale, B. B., Morphology controlled synthesis of LiV(2)0(5)/Ag nanocomposite nanotubes with enhanced electrochemical performance, RSC Advances, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 3231-3233, 2012.
V. V. E. Ramesh, Priya, G., Kotmale, A. S., Gonnade, R. G., Rajamohanan, P. R., and Sanjayan, G. J., Multifaceted folding in a foldamer featuring highly cooperative folds, Chemical Communications, vol. 48, no. 91, pp. 11205-11207, 2012.
G. Moiset, Cirac, A. D., Mika, J. T., Kocer, A., Stuart, M. C. A., Sengupta, D., Marrink, S. - J., and Poolman, B., Multi-Hit action of membrane active peptides: towards understanding bacterial cell killing, Biophysical Journal, vol. 102, no. 3, p. 616A, 2012.
H. Lu, Wang, J., Liu, C., Ratcliffe, C. I., Becker, U., Kumar, R., and Ripmeester, J. A., Multiple H2 occupancy of cages of clathrate hydrate under mild condition, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, no. 22, pp. 9160 - 9162, 2012.
D. Pati, Kalva, N., Das, S., Kumaraswamy, G., Gupta, S. Sen, and Ambade, A. V., Multiple topologies from glycopolypeptide-dendron conjugate self-assembly: nanorods, micelles, and organogels, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, no. 18, pp. 7796-7802, 2012.
N. Onkokesung, Gaquerel, E., Kotkar, H., Kaur, H., Baldwin, I. T., and Galis, I., MYB8 Controls inducible phenolamide levels by activating three novel hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme a:polyamine transferases in nicotiana attenuata, Plant Physiology, vol. 158, no. 1, pp. 389-407, 2012.
D. A. Kamble, Karabal, P. U., Chouthaiwale, P. V., and Sudalai, A., NaIO4-NaN3-mediated diazidation of styrenes, alkenes, benzylic alcohols, and aryl ketones, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 53, no. 32, pp. 4195-4198, 2012.
D. Sen, Bahadur, J., Mazumder, S., Verma, G., Hassan, P. A., Bhattacharya, S., Vijai, K., and Doshi, P., Nanocomposite silica surfactant microcapsules by evaporation induced self assembly: tuning the morphological buckling by modifying viscosity and surface charge, Soft Matter, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1955-1963, 2012.
M. S. Tamboli, Kulkarni, M. V., Patil, R. H., Gade, W. N., Navale, S. C., and Kale, B. B., Nanowires of silver-polyaniline nanocomposite synthesized via in situ polymerization and its novel functionality as an antibacterial agent, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, vol. 92, pp. 35-41, 2012.
S. Kadam and Vanka, K., New approximate method for the stochastic simulation of chemical systems: the representative reaction approach, Journal of Computational Chemistry, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 276-285, 2012.
P. Das, Mandal, A. Kumar, Chandar, N. Bhanu, Baidya, M., Bhatt, H. B., Ganguly, B., Ghosh, S. K., and Das, A., New chemodosimetric reagents as ratiometric probes for cysteine and homocysteine and possible detection in living cells and in blood plasma, Chemistry a European Journal, vol. 18, no. 48, pp. 15382–15393, 2012.
A. S. More, Menon, S. K., and Wadgaonkar, P. P., New poly(1,3,4-oxadiazole)s bearing pentadecyl side chains: synthesis and characterization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 124, no. 2, pp. 1281-1289, 2012.
S. M. Bhosale, Momin, A. A., Gawade, R. L., Puranik, V. G., and Kusurkar, R. S., New synthetic route for 1,2-diketo compounds using unexpected C-C bond cleavage by PCC, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 53, no. 39, pp. 5327-5330, 2012.
A. Khan and Sarkar, D., Nitrate reduction pathways in mycobacteria and their implications during latency, Microbiology-SGM, vol. 158, pp. 301-307, 2012.
M. K. Bhunia, Das, S. K., Pachfule, P., Banerjee, R., and Bhaumik, A., Nitrogen-rich porous covalent imine network (CIN) material as an efficient catalytic support for C-C coupling reactions, Dalton Transactions, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1304-1311, 2012.
C. P. Jijil, Rajarajan, A. K., and R. Devi, N., Noble metal ions incorporated in lattice points of perovskites - water gas shift activity of BaCe1-xPtxO3-d, 56th DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS), vol. 1447. Govt India, Dept Atom Energy (DAE), Board Res Nucl Sci (BRNS), 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Ste 1no1, Melville, NY 11747-4501 USA, pp. 1277-1278, 2012.
R. V. Ghorpade, Rajdeo, K. S., S., P., and N., C. N., Non-isothermal kinetics of free-redical polymerization of 2-phenyl ethyl acrylate, paper presented at ?third international multicomponent polymer conference? impc 2012, in Third International Multicomponent Polymer Conference IMPC 2012, Kottayam, India., Kottayam, India., 2012.
A. Alam, Haldar, S., Thulasiram, H. V., Kumar, R., Goyal, M., Iqbal, M. Shameel, Pal, C., Dey, S., Bindu, S., Sarkar, S., Pal, U., Maiti, N. C., and Bandyopadhyay, U., Novel anti-inflammatory activity of epoxyazadiradione against macrophage migration inhibitory factor inhibition of tautomerase and proinflammatory activities of macrophage migration inhibitory factor, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 287, no. 29, pp. 24844-24861, 2012.
P. Ganju, Natarajan, V. T., Singh, A., Vijayan, V., Dani, P. P., Kar, H. K., Natarajan, K., Gadgil, C. J., Rani, R., and Gokhale, R. S., Novel mechanism involved in temporal regulation of skin pigmentation homeostasis, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, vol. 132, p. S128, 2012.
R. R. Kharade, Patil, K. R., Patil, P. S., and Bhosale, P. N., Novel microwave assisted sol-gel synthesis (MW-SGS) and electrochromic performance of petal like h-WO3 thin films, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1787-1793, 2012.
A. Samanta, Dhar, B. B., and R. Devi, N., Novel porous silica encapsulated Au nanoreactors as peroxidase mimic for one-pot glucose detection, New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 2625-2629, 2012.
S. Harne, Sharma, A., Dhaygude, M., Joglekar, S., Kodam, K. M., and Hudlikar, M., Novel route for rapid biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Calotropis procera L. latex and their cytotoxicity on tumor cells, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, vol. 95, pp. 284-288, 2012.
D. Milstein, Balaraman, E., Gunanathan, C., Gnanaprakasam, B., and Zhang, J., Novel ruthenium complexes and their uses in processes for formation and/or hydrogenation of esters, amides and derivatives thereof, U.S. Patent US 14/702,6412012.
B. Sidram Selukar, Pandey, A. Kumar, Nande, S. Sunil, Bansode, A. Santram, and Garnaik, B., Novel solid cloisite tin catalyzed polymerization of L-lactide, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, vol. 6, pp. 54-60 , 2012.
A. Kumar Dutta, Vaval, N., and Pal, S., NOx catalyzed pathway of stratospheric ozone depletion: a coupled cluster investigation, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1895-1901, 2012.
M. M. Shirolkar, Das, R., Maity, T., Poddar, P., and Kulkarni, S. K., Observation of enhanced dielectric coupling and room-temperature ferromagnetism in chemically synthesized BiFeO3@SiO2 core-shell particles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, no. 36, pp. 19503-19511, 2012.
B. Malvi, Panda, C., Dhar, B. B., and Gupta, S. Sen, One pot glucose detection by [Fe-III(biuret-amide)] immobilized on mesoporous silica nanoparticles: an efficient HRP mimic, Chemical Communications, vol. 48, no. 43, pp. 5289-5291, 2012.
P. Pachfule, Balan, B. K., Kurungot, S., and Banerjee, R., One-dimensional confinement of a nanosized metal organic framework in carbon nanofibers for improved gas adsorption, Chemical Communications, vol. 48, no. 14, pp. 2009-2011, 2012.
R. Sahu and Dhepe, P. Laxmikant, One-Pot method for the selective conversion of hemicellulose from crop waste into C5 sugars and furfural by using solid acid catalysts, Chemsuschem, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 751-761, 2012.
D. L. Nguyen, Gillot, S., Souza, D. O., Blanchard, P., Lamonier, C., Berrier, E., Kotbagi, T. V., Dongare, M. K., Umbarkar, S. B., Cristol, S., Payen, E., and Lancelot, C., One-pot sol-gel preparation for efficient cobalt-molybdenum-titania hydrotreating catalysts, Chemcatchem, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 2112-2120, 2012.
S. S. Warule, Chaudhari, N. S., Kale, B. B., Patil, K. R., Koinkar, P. M., More, M. A., and Murakami, R. -ichi, Organization of cubic CeO2 nanoparticles on the edges of self assembled tapered ZnO nanorods via a template free one-pot synthesis: significant cathodoluminescence and field emission properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, no. 18, pp. 8887-8895, 2012.
G. Pandey, Adate, P. A., and Puranik, V. G., Organocatalytic dynamic kinetic resolution via conjugate addition: synthesis of chiral trans-2,5-dialkylcyclohexanones, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 41, pp. 8260-8267, 2012.
S. B. Kumar, Venkataramasubramanian, V., and Sudalai, A., Organocatalytic sequential alpha-amination/corey-chaykovsky reaction of aldehydes: a high yield synthesis of 4-hydroxypyrazolidine derivatives, Organic Letters, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 2468-2471, 2012.
P. Kumar, Pandey, M., Gupta, P., and Dhavale, D. D., Organocatalytic stereoselective synthesis of passifloricin A, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1820-1825, 2012.
J. Kumar Pandey, Takagi, H., Nakagaito, A. Norio, Saini, D. Ram, and Ahn, S. - H., Overview on the cellulose based conducting composites, Composites Part B-Engineering, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2822-2826, 2012.
M. Singh and Argade, N. P., Palladium-catalyzed routes to geranylated or farnesylated phenolic stilbenes: synthesis of pawhuskin C and schweinfurthin J, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 44, no. 18, pp. 2895-2902, 2012.
J. P. Mahajan, Suryawanshi, Y. R., and Mhaske, S. B., Pd-Catalyzed imine cyclization: synthesis of antimalarial natural products aplidiopsamine A, marinoquinoline A, and their potential hybrid NCLite-M1, Organic Letters, vol. 14, no. 22, pp. 5804-5807, 2012.
P. V. Chouthaiwale, Rawat, V., and Sudalai, A., Pd-catalyzed selective hydrosilylation of aryl ketones and aldehydes, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 148-150, 2012.
R. Muthusamy and Kulkarni, M. Gopalkrish, pH Sensitive graft copolymers for zero order drug release: a mechanistic analysis, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 73-83, 2012.
T. C. Jagadale, Kulkarni, M., Pravarthana, D., Ramadan, W., and Thakur, P., Photocatalytic degradation of Azo dyes using Au:TiO2, gamma-Fe2O3:TiO2 functional nanosystems, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 928-936, 2012.
P. A. Mangrulkar, Kamble, S. P., Joshi, M. M., Meshram, J. S., Labhsetwar, N. K., and Rayalu, S. S., Photocatalytic degradation of phenolics by N-doped mesoporous titania under solar radiation, International Journal of Photoenergy, p. Article No. 780562, 2012.
P. V. Korake, Sridharkrishna, R., Hankare, P. P., and Garadkar, K. M., Photocatalytic degradation of phosphamidon using Ag-doped ZnO nanorods, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, vol. 94, no. 6, pp. 1075-1085, 2012.
M. Kandpal, Sharan, C., Poddar, P., Prashanthi, K., Apte, P. R., and V. Rao, R., Photopatternable nano-composite (SU-8/ZnO) thin films for piezo-electric applications, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, no. 10, p. 104102, 2012.
R. V. Ghorpade, Bhosle, S. Madhavrao, Ponrathnam, S., Rajan, C. R., Chavan, N., and Harikrishna, R., Photopolymerization kinetics of 2-phenylethyl (meth) acrylates studied by photo DSC, Journal of Polymer Research, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 9811, 2012.
P. Kar, Banerjee, T., Verma, S., Sen, A., Das, A., Ganguly, B., and Ghosh, H. N., Photosensitization of nanoparticulate TiO2 using a Re(I)-polypyridyl complex: studies on interfacial electron transfer in the ultrafast time domain, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 14, no. 22, pp. 8192-8198, 2012.
R. R. Kulkarni, Shurpali, K., Gawade, R. L., Sarkar, D., Puranik, V. G., and Joshi, S. P., Phyllocladane diterpenes from anisomeles heyneana, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1162-1168, 2012.
V. T. Barvkar, Pardeshi, V. C., Kale, S. M., Kadoo, N. Y., and Gupta, V. S., Phylogenomic analysis of UDP glycosyltransferase 1 multigene family in Linum usitatissimum identified genes with varied expression patterns, BMC Genomics, vol. 13, p. 175, 2012.
D. Raju, Mehta, U. J., and Ahmad, A., Phytosynthesis of intracellular and extracellular gold nanoparticles by living peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L.), Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 471-478, 2012.
B. K. Vaidya, Ingavle, G. C., Ponrathnam, S., and Nene, S. N., Poly(allyl glycidyl ether-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) copolymer beads as support for covalent immobilization of L-aminoacylase, Reactive & Functional Polymers, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 687-694, 2012.
B. K. Balan, Manissery, A. Padinhare, Chaudhari, H. D., Kharul, U. K., and Kurungot, S., Polybenzimidazole mediated N-doping along the inner and outer surfaces of a carbon nanofiber and its oxygen reduction properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, no. 44, pp. 23668-23679, 2012.
R. S. Bhavsar, Kumbharkar, S. C., and Kharul, U. K., Polymeric ionic liquids (PILs): effect of anion variation on their CO2 sorption, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 389, pp. 305-315, 2012.
S. Aitipamula, Banerjee, R., Bansal, A. K., Biradha, K., Cheney, M. L., Choudhury, A. Roy, Desiraju, G. R., Dikundwar, A. G., Dubey, R., Duggirala, N., Ghogale, P. P., Ghosh, S., Goswami, P. Kumar, N. Goud, R., Jetti, R. R. K. R., Karpinski, P., Kaushik, P., Kumar, D., Kumar, V., Moulton, B., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, G., Myerson, A. S., Puri, V., Ramanan, A., Rajamannar, T., C. Reddy, M., Rodriguez-Hornedo, N., Rogers, R. D., Row, T. N. Guru, Sanphui, P., Shan, N., Shete, G., Singh, A., Sun, C. C., Swift, J. A., Thaimattam, R., Thakur, T. S., Thaper, R. Kumar, Thomas, S. P., Tothadi, S., Vangala, V. R., Variankaval, N., Vishweshwar, P., Weyna, D. R., and Zaworotko, M. J., Polymorphs, salts, and cocrystals: what's in a name?, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2147-2152, 2012.
S. Aitipamula, Banerjee, R., Bansal, A. K., Biradha, K., Cheney, M. L., Choudhury, A. Roy, Desiraju, G. R., Dikundwar, A. G., Dubey, R., Duggirala, N., Ghogale, P. P., Ghosh, S., Goswami, P. Kumar, N. Goud, R., Jetti, R. R. K. R., Karpinski, P., Kaushik, P., Kumar, D., Kumar, V., Moulton, B., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, G., Myerson, A. S., Puri, V., Ramanan, A., Rajamannar, T., C. Reddy, M., Rodriguez-Hornedo, N., Rogers, R. D., Row, T. N. Guru, Sanphui, P., Shan, N., Shete, G., Singh, A., Sun, C. C., Swift, J. A., Thaimattam, R., Thakur, T. S., Thaper, R. Kumar, Thomas, S. P., Tothadi, S., Vangala, V. R., Vishweshwar, P., Weyna, D. R., and Zaworotko, M. J., Polymorphs, salts and cocrystals: what's in a name? (vol 12, pg 2147, 2012), Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 12, pp. 4290-4291, 2012.
S. Mitra, Subia, B., Patra, P., Chandra, S., Debnath, N., Das, S., Banerjee, R., Kundu, S. C., Pramanik, P., and Goswami, A., Porous ZnO nanorod for targeted delivery of doxorubicin: in vitro and in vivo response for therapeutic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, no. 45, pp. 24145-24154, 2012.
S. Sarkar and Sarkar, D., Potential use of nitrate reductase as a biomarker for the identification of active and dormant inhibitors of mycobacterium tuberculosis in a THP1 infection model, Journal of Biomolecular Screening, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 966-973, 2012.
S. Suresh Bhojgude, Kaicharla, T., Bhunia, A., and Biju, A. T., Practical and general diels-alder reaction of pentafulvenes with arynes, Organic Letters, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 4098–4101, 2012.
M. A. Kulkarni, Pandurangi, V. R., Desai, U. V., and Wadgaonkar, P. P., Practical and highly efficient protocol for multicomponent synthesis of beta-phosphonomalononitriles and 2-amino-4H-chromen-4-yl phosphonates using diethylamine as a novel organocatalyst, Comptes Rendus Chimie, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 745-752, 2012.
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