Novel ruthenium complexes and their uses in processes for formation and/or hydrogenation of esters, amides and derivatives thereof

TitleNovel ruthenium complexes and their uses in processes for formation and/or hydrogenation of esters, amides and derivatives thereof
Publication TypePatent
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMilstein, D, Balaraman, E, Gunanathan, C, Gnanaprakasam, B, Zhang, J
Published SourceEP2629889A2, US9045381, US20130281664, WO2012052996A2, WO2012052996A3
International Patent NumberUS20150284417 A1
Application NumberUS 14/702,641
Date PublishedOCT

The present invention relates to novel Ruthenium complexes and related borohydride complexes, and their use for (1) hydrogenation of amides (including polyamides) to alcohols and amines; (2) preparing amides from alcohols with amines (including preparing polyamides (e.g., polypeptides) by reacting dialcohols and diamines or by polymerization of amino alcohols); (3) hydrogenation of esters to alcohols (including hydrogenation of cyclic esters (lactones), cyclic di-esters (di-lactones) or polyesters); (4) hydrogenation of organic carbonates (including polycarbonates) to alcohols and of carbamates (including polycarbamates) or urea derivatives to alcohols and amines; (5) dehydrogenative coupling of alcohols to esters; (6) hydrogenation of secondary alcohols to ketones; (7) amidation of esters (synthesis of amides from esters and amines); (8) acylation of alcohols using esters; (9) coupling of alcohols with water to form carboxylic acids; and (10) dehydrogenation of beta-amino alcohols to form pyrazines. The present invention further relates to novel uses of certain pyridine Ruthenium complexes.

Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry