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A. Jha, Patil, C. R., Garade, A. C., and Rode, C. V., Magnetically separable single-site Ti-Fe3O4@MCM-41 catalyst for selective epoxidation of olefins, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 52, no. 29, pp. 9803-9811, 2013.
P. Kumar Jha, Singh, S. Kumar, Kumar, V., Rana, S., Kurungot, S., and Ballav, N., High-level supercapacitive performance of chemically reduced graphene oxide, Chem, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 846-860, 2017.
A. Jha, Mhamane, D., Suryawanshi, A., Joshi, S. M., Shaikh, P., Biradar, N. S., Ogale, S., and Rode, C. V., Triple nanocomposites of CoMn2O4, Co3O4 and reduced graphene oxide for oxidation of aromatic alcohols, Catalysis Science & Technology, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1771-1778, 2014.
A. Jha, Patil, S. H., Solanki, B. P., Ribeiro, A. P. C., Castro, C. A. N., Patil, K. R., Coronas, A., and Rode, C. V., Reduced graphene oxide composite with oxidizable manganese/cobalt mixed oxide for p-cresol oxidation by using molecular oxygen, ChemPlusChem, vol. 80, no. 7, pp. 1164-1169, 2015.
V. Jha, Kauloorkar, S. Vandana, and Kumar, P., Stereoselective approach to 2,6-disubstituted piperidin-3-ol: synthesis of (-)-deoxoprosopinine and (+)-deoxoprosophylline, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, no. 22, pp. 4897-4902, 2014.
V. Jha and Kumar, P., Croncise organocatalytic route to protected (2S, 4R)-4-hydroxyornithine and(+)-pseudohygroline, Synlett, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 1089-1092, 2014.
P. Kumar Jha, Singh, S. K., Gatla, S., Mathon, O., Kurungot, S., and Ballav, N., Pb2+-N bonding chemistry: recycling of polyaniline-pb nanocrystals waste for generating high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 911-918, 2016.
A. Jha, Jeong, D. - W., Shim, J. - O., Jang, W. - J., Lee, Y. - L., Rode, C. V., and Roh, H. - S., Hydrogen production by the water-gas shift reaction using CuNi/Fe2O3 catalyst, Catalysis Science & Technology, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 2752-2760, 2015.
V. Jeyavani, Kondhekar, D., Bhati, M., Dev, S., Joshi, K., R. Devi, N., and Mukherjee, S. Porel, Remarkable SO2 and H2S resistant ability on CO oxidation by unique Pd/WO3 3D hollow sphere nanocatalyst: correlating structure-activity relationships on SO2 exposure, ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1476-1487, 2024.
V. Jeyavani, Kumar, R., Joy, P. Alias, and Mukherjee, S. Porel, MgB2/NaNO2-PVA free-standing polymer composite film as a green firework: a step towards environmental sustainability, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 45, no. 4, p. 175, 2022.
V. Jeyavani, Pawar, S., Dadwal, A., Joy, P. Alias, and Mukherjee, S. Porel, Size-controlled cobalt ferrite nanocrystals: magnetically separable reusable nanocatalysts for selective oxidation of styrene, ChemistrySelect, vol. 4, no. 21, pp. 6524-6531, 2019.
K. K. Jena, Panda, A. Prasad, Verma, S., Mani, G. Kumar, Swain, S. K., and Alhassan, S. M., MWCNTs-ZnO-SiO2 mesoporous nano-hybrid materials for CO2 capture, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 800, pp. 279-285, 2019.
G. S. Jedhe, Paul, D., Gonnade, R. G., Santra, M. K., Hamel, E., Nguyen, T. Luong, and Sanjayan, G. J., Correlation of hydrogen-bonding propensity and anticancer profile of tetrazole-tethered combretastatin analogues, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 4680-4684, 2013.
G. S. Jedhe, Vijayadas, K. N., Kotmale, A. S., Sangtani, E., Shinde, D. R., Gonnade, R. G., Rajamohanan, P. R., and Sanjayan, G. J., Residue dependent hydrogen-bonding preferences in orthanilic acid-based short peptide beta-turn motifs, RSC Advances, vol. 6, no. 42, pp. 35328-35331, 2016.
G. S. Jedhe, Kotmale, A. S., Rajamohanan, P. R., Pasha, S., and Sanjayan, G. J., Angiotensin II analogs comprised of pro-amb (gamma-turn scaffold) as angiotensin II type 2 (AT(2)) receptor agonists, Chemical Communications, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1645-1648, 2016.
S. Jayswal, Luwang, M. Niraj, and Moirangthem, R. S., Tuning the optical properties of Ln3+-doped-Y2O3@ZnO@Au core-shell heterostructures for visible-to-NIR photon harvesting, Surfaces and Interfaces , vol. 44, 2024.
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B. R. Javle and Kinage, A. K., Chiral amino-acid-amide based ionic liquids as a stereoselective organocatalyst in asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone at room-temperature, Chemistryselect, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 2623-2625, 2018.
G. Javir, Joshi, K., Khedkar, V., and Rojatkar, S., 6 alpha-Hydroxy-4[14], 10[15]-guainadien-8 beta, 12-olide induced cell cycle arrest via modulation of EMT and Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in HER-2 positive breast cancer cells, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 197, p. 105514, 2020.
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L. Swarnalath Jasti, Dola, S. Rani, Kumaraguru, T., Bajja, S., Fadnavis, N. W., Addepally, U., Rajdeo, K., Ponrathnam, S., and Deokar, S. Babasaheb, Protein-coated polymer as a matrix for enzyme immobilization: immobilization of trypsin on bovine serum albumin-coated allyl glycidyl ether-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate copolymer, Biotechnology Progress, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 317-323, 2014.
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L. Swarnalath Jasti, Dola, S. Rani, Fadnavis, N. W., Addepally, U., Daniels, S., and Ponrathnam, S., Co-immobilized glucose oxidase and beta-galactosidase on bovine serum albumin coated allyl glycidyl ether (AGE)-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDM) copolymer as a biosensor for lactose determination in milk, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. 64-65, pp. 67-73, 2014.
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R. Jangir, Gadre, S. R., and Argade, N. P., Sulfuryl chloride promoted gem-dichlorination-dehydrochlorination in alkyl benzothiazinylacetates: synthesis of the skeleton of trichochrome pigments, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 47, no. 17, pp. 2631-2634, 2015.
R. Jangir, Gadre, S. R., and Argade, N. P., Facile synthesis of the isoquinoline alkaloids doryanine and oxyhydrastinine, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 46, no. 14, pp. 1954-1956, 2014.
R. Jangir and Argade, N. P., Dimethyl homophthalates to naphthopyrans: the total synthesis of arnottin I and the formal synthesis of (-)-arnottin II, RSC Advances, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 5531-5535, 2014.
P. Kumar Jangir, Singh, A., Shivaji, S., and Sharma, R., Genome sequence of the alkaliphilic bacterium nitritalea halalkaliphila type strain LW7, isolated from Lonar Lake, India, Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 194, no. 20, pp. 5688-5689, 2012.
R. Jangir and Argade, N. P., Total synthesis of tetrahydroisoquinoline-based bioactive natural products laudanosine, romneine, glaucine, dicentrine, and their unnatural analogues isolaudanosine and isoromneine, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 49 , no. 7, pp. 1655-1663, 2017.
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S. Janampelli and Darbha, S., Highly efficient Pt-MoOx/ZrO2 catalyst for green diesel production, Catalysis Communications, vol. 125, pp. 70-76, 2019.
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A. K. Jana and Sengupta, N., Surface induced collapse of A beta(1-42) with the F19A replacement following adsorption on a single walled carbon nanotube, Biophysical Chemistry, vol. 184, pp. 108-115, 2013.
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A. K. Jana, Batkulwar, K. B., Kulkarni, M. J., and Sengupta, N., Glycation induces conformational changes in Amyloid-? peptide and enhances its aggregation propensity: molecular insights, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, pp. 31446-31458, 2016.
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A. K. Jana and Sengupta, N., Adsorption mechanism and collapse propensities of the full-length, monomeric A beta(1-42) on the surface of a single-walled carbon nanotube: a molecular dynamics simulation study, Biophysical Journal, vol. 102, no. 8, pp. 1889-1896, 2012.
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