Stereoselective synthesis of subincanadine alkaloids framework

TitleStereoselective synthesis of subincanadine alkaloids framework
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKalshetti, MG, Argade, NP
JournalIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B-Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry
Date PublishedJUN
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywords(S)-Acetoxysuccinimide, alane reduction, condensation, Grignard reaction, indolizinoindolone, PCC-oxidation, stereoselective Pictet-Spengler cyclization
AbstractStarting from, N-tosyltryptamine and (S)-acetoxysuccinic anhydride, a facile synthesis of (-)-indolizinoindolone has been demonstrated as a basic structural outline of bioactive subincanadine alkaloids. Regioselective Grignard reaction with (S)-acetoxysuccinimide, stereoselective intramolecular cyclization to form (-)-indolizinoindolone skeleton and TiCl4 induced condensation with acetaldehyde for stereoselective generation of exocyclic carbon carbon double bond are the key features.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Indian
Impact Factor (IF)0.388
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry

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