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P. Sahu and Prasad, B. L. V., Fine control of nanoparticle sizes and size distributions: temperature and ligand effects on the digestive ripening process, Nanoscale, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 1768-1771, 2013.
P. Sahu, Sahoo, R., Sahu, A. Kumar, Saluja, S. Singh, and Behera, B., Repurposing phytochemicals of Citrullus colocynthis against maltase-glucoamylase using molecular docking, MMGBSA, MD simulation and linear regression to identify potential anti-diabetic compounds, Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 5197-5206, 2024.
P. Sahu and Prasad, B. L. V., Time and temperature effects on the digestive ripening of gold nanoparticles: is there a crossover from digestive ripening to ostwald ripening?, Langmuir, vol. 30, no. 34, pp. 10143-10150, 2014.
R. Sahu and Dhepe, P. Laxmikant, Synthesis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid by the aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural over supported metal catalysts, Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 173-187, 2014.
P. Sahu and Prasad, B. L. V., Effect of digestive ripening agent on nanoparticle size in the digestive ripening process, Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 525-26, pp. 101-104, 2012.
A. Kumar Sahu, Said, M. S., Hingamire, T., Gaur, M., Khan, A., Shanmugam, D., Barvkar, V. T., Dharne, M. S., Bharde, A. A., and Dastager, S. G., Approach to nigericin derivatives and their therapeutic potential, RSC Advances, vol. 10, no. 70, pp. 43085-43091, 2020.
P. Sahu and Prasad, B. L. V., Dilution does the trick: role of mixed solvent evaporation in controlling nanoparticle self-assembly, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 447, pp. 142-147, 2014.
P. Sahu, Shimpi, J., Lee, H. Ju, T. Lee, R., and Prasad, B. L. V., Digestive ripening of Au nanoparticles by multidentate ligands, Langmuir, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1943-1950, 2017.
A. K. Sahu, Allostreptomyces indica sp. nov., isolated from India, Journal of Antibiotics, vol. 70, pp. 1000-1003, 2017.
P. Sahu and Prasad, B. L. V., Preparation of Ag(Shell)-Au(Core) nanoparticles by anti-galvanic reactions: are capping agents the ``real heroes'' of reduction?, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 478, pp. 30-35, 2015.
R. Sahu and Dhepe, P. Laxmikant, One-Pot method for the selective conversion of hemicellulose from crop waste into C5 sugars and furfural by using solid acid catalysts, Chemsuschem, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 751-761, 2012.
P. Sahu, Shimpi, J., and Prasad, B. L. V., Molecular tools for controlling nanoparticle size/morphologies, in Molecular materials: preparation, characterization, and applications, CRC Press, 2017, pp. 189-212.
B. Saibal, Chithiravel, S., and Asha, S. K., P4VP and oligo(phenylenevinylene)-perylenebisimide mixed donor-acceptor supramolecular comb polymer complexes with improved charge carrier mobility, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 2403-2412, 2016.
B. Saibal, Ashar, A. Z., R. Devi, N., Narayan, K. S., and Asha, S. K., Nanostructured donor-acceptor self assembly with improved photoconductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 6, no. 21, pp. 19434-19448, 2014.
B. Saibal, Narayan, R., Chithiravel, S., and Asha, S. K., Liquid crystalline supramolecular crosslinked polymer complexes of ditopic rylenebisimides and P4VP, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 951-959, 2017.
M. S. Said, Mishra, A., Pandole, S., Nayak, R. A., Kumar, P., and Gajbhiye, J. M., Regioselective one-pot synthesis of 3-fluoro-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines from styrene, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019.
M. S. Said, Udavant, R., Sahu, A. Kumar, Khan, A., Nayak, R., Dastager, S. G., Kumar, P., and Gajbhiye, J., Total synthesis of (-)-2-methoxy-2-butenolide-3-cinnamate and its antimicrobial potentials, Natural Product Research, 2020.
M. S. Said, Navale, G. R., Gajbhiye, J. M., and Shinde, S. S., Synthesis of deuterated isopentyl pyrophosphates for chemo-enzymatic labelling methods: GC-EI-MS based 1,2-hydride shift in epicedrol biosynthesis (Retraction of Vol 9, Pg 28258, 2019), RSC Advances, vol. 10, no. 8, p. 4189, 2020.
M. S. Said, Chinchansure, A. A., Nawale, L., Durge, A., Wadhwani, A., Kulkarni, S. S., Sarkar, D., and Joshi, S. P., New butenolide cinnamate and other biological active chemical constituents from Polygonum glabrum, Natural Product Research, vol. 29, no. 22, pp. 2080-2086, 2015.
M. S. Said, Navale, G. R., Yadav, A., Khonde, N., Shinde, S. S., and Jha, A., Effect of tert-alcohol functional imidazolium salts on oligomerization and fibrillization of amyloid beta (1-42) peptide, Biophysical Chemistry, vol. 267, p. 106480, 2020.
M. S. Said, Khonde, N. S., Thorat, M. N., Atapalkar, R. S., Kulkarni, A. A., Gajbhiye, J., and Dastager, S. G., New TBAF complex, highly stable, facile and selective source for nucleophilic fluorination: applications in batch and flow chemistry, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1022-1026, 2020.
M. S. Said, Navale, G. R., Gajbhiye, J. M., and Shinde, S. S., Synthesis of deuterated isopentyl pyrophosphates for chemo-enzymatic labelling methods: GC-EI-MS based 1,2-hydride shift in epicedrol biosynthesis, RSC Advances, vol. 9, no. 48, pp. 28258-28261, 2019.
M. S. Said, Pandole, S., Suryavanshi, A., Kumar, P., and Gajbhiye, J. M., Acidic handle assemble heterogeneous carbocatalyst for facile aliphatic nucleophilic fluorination, ChemistrySelect, vol. 4, no. 36, pp. 10960-10964, 2019.
M. S. Said, Khandare, L., and Shinde, S. S., Molybdenum oxide-mediated facile aliphatic nucleophilic fluorination, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 59-62, 2017.
N. Saikhedkar, Summanwar, A., Joshi, R. S., and Giri, A. P., Cathepsins of lepidopteran insects: aspects and prospects, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 64, pp. 51-59, 2015.
N. S. Saikhedkar, Joshi, R. S., Bhoite, A. S., Mohandasan, R., Yadav, A. Kumar, and Giri, A. P., Tripeptides derived from reactive centre loop of potato type II protease inhibitors preferentially inhibit midgut proteases of Helicoverpa armigera, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , vol. 95, pp. 17-25, 2018.
L. Saikia, Satyarthi, J. K., Gonnade, R. G., Srinivas, D., and Ratnasamy, P., Double metal cyanides as efficient solid acid catalysts for synthesis of beta-amino alcohols under solvent-free conditions, Catalysis Letters, vol. 123, no. 1-2, pp. 24-31, 2008.
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L. Saikia, Rajesh, M., Srinivas, D., and Ratnasamy, P., Regiospecific oxyhalogenation of aromatics over SBA-15-supported nanoparticle group IV-VI metal oxides, Catalysis Letters, vol. 137, no. 3-4, pp. 190-201, 2010.
V. Saikiran, Pathak, A. P., N. Rao, S., Devaraju, G., Debgupta, J., Kyriakou, I., and Emfietzoglou, D., SHI irradiation induced effects in functionalized MWCNTs, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 167, no. 8, pp. 569-576, 2012.
N. S. Sailthedkar, Joshi, R. S., Yadav, A. K., Seal, S., Fernandes, M., and Giri, A. P., Phyto-inspired cyclic peptides derived from plant Pin-II type protease inhibitor reactive center loops for crop protection from insect pests, Biochimica ET Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, vol. 1863, no. 8, pp. 1254-1262, 2019.
M. Saini, Vivekanand, K., Poddar, P., Murty, K. V. G. K., Thushara, K. S., and Gopinath, C. S., Fabrication of homogeneous nanoparticle/nanoneedle BaTiO3 and Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 smooth thin films by simple dip coating, International Journal of Nanotechnology, vol. 7, no. 9-12, pp. 919-931, 2010.
S. Saini, Samal, P. Paramita, Krishnamurty, S., Ray, A., and Jain, S. L., An innovative light assisted production of acetic acid from CO2 and methanol: a first photocatalytic approach using a reusable cobalt(ii) molecular hybrid at atmospheric pressure, Green Chemistry, vol. 23, no. 22, pp. 9048-9060, 2021.
R. Saini, Navale, G. R., Singh, S., Singh, H. Kisan, Chauhan, R., Agrawal, S., Sarkar, D., Sarma, M., and Ghosh, K., Inhibition of amyloid β1-42 peptide aggregation by newly designed cyclometallated palladium complexes, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 248, p. 125847, 2023.
Y. Sajeev and Pal, S., General formalism of the Fock space multireference coupled cluster method for investigating molecular electronic resonances, Molecular Physics, vol. 103, no. 15-16, pp. 2267-2275, 2005.
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S. S. Sakate, Kamble, S. B., Chikate, R. C., and Rode, C. V., MCM-41-supported phosphotungstic acid-catalyzed cleavage of C-O bond in allyl aryl ethers, New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 4943-4949, 2017.
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S. S. Sakpal, Ghosh, D., Manae, M. A., Hazra, A., and Bagchi, S., Curious case of aqueous warfarin: structural isomers or distinct excited states?, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 125, pp. 2871-2878, 2021.
S. Sakpal, Chakrabarty, S., Reddy, K. Devendra, Deshmukh, S. H., Biswas, R., Bagchi, S., and Ghosh, A., Perturbation of fermi resonance on hydrogen-bonded > C=O: 2D IR studies of small ester probes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 128, no. 18, pp. 4440-4447, 2024.
T. Sakpal, Kumar, A., Kamble, S., and Kumar, R., Carbon dioxide capture using amine functionalized silica gel, Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A-Inorganic Bio-Inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, vol. 51, no. 9-10, pp. 1214-1222, 2012.
S. S. Sakpal, Deshmukh, S. H., Chatterjee, S., Ghosh, D., and Bagchi, S., Transition of a deep eutectic solution to aqueous solution: a dynamical perspective of the dissolved solute, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 12, no. 36, pp. 8784-8789, 2021.
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K. N. Salgaonkar, Bajpai, H., Mhamane, N. B., Nalajala, N., Chauhan, I., Thakkar, K., Joshi, K., and Gopinath, C. S., Baby step in assembling and integrating the components of an artificial photosynthesis device with forced heterojunctions towards improved efficiency, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 11, no. 28, pp. 15168-15182, 2023.
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D. B. Salunke, Hazra, B. G., Gonnade, R. G., Pore, V. S., and Bhadbhade, M. M., Molecular association via halogen bonding and other weak interactions in the crystal structures of 11-bromo-12-oxo-5 beta-cholan derivatives, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 892, no. 1-3, pp. 246-253, 2008.
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S. Salunke-Gawali, Rane, S. Y., Boukheddaden, K., Codjovi, E., Linares, J., Varret, F., and Bakare, P. P., Thermal, magnetic and spectral studies of metal-quinone complexes Part III. radical coordination and hydrogen bonding mediated exchange interaction in copper-hydroxyquinone complex, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 669-675, 2005.
S. Salunke-Gawali, Kathawate, L., and Puranik, V. G., MOF with hydroxynaphthoquinone as organic linker: molecular structure of [Zn(Chlorolawsone)(2)(H2O)(2)] and thermogravimetric studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1022, pp. 189-196, 2012.
S. Salunke-Gawali, Kathawate, L., Shinde, Y., Puranik, V. G., and Weyhermueller, T., Single crystal X-ray structure of lawsone anion: evidence for coordination of alkali metal ions and formation of naphthosemiquinone radical in basic media, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1010, pp. 38-45, 2012.
S. Salunke-Gawali, Pawar, O., Nikalje, M., Patil, R., Weyhermueller, T., Puranik, V. G., and V. Konkimalla, B., Synthesis, characterization and molecular structures of homologated analogs of 2-bromo-3-(n-alkylamino)-1,4-napthoquinone, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1056, no. 1, pp. 97-103, 2014.
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V. H. Salunkhe, Kunte, P. S., Paul, D., Kasodekar, A. K., and Kadoo, N. Y., Seasonal dynamics and tree foliar habit drive the rhizobacterial diversity in congeneric Ficus species from Northern Western Ghats, India, Rhizosphere, vol. 28, p. 100790, 2023.
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R. P. Samal, Khedkar, V. M., Pissurlenkar, R. R. S., Bwalya, A. Gono, Tasdemir, D., Joshi, R. A., Rajamohanan, P. R., Puranik, V. G., and Coutinho, E. C., Design, synthesis, structural characterization by IR, 1H, 13C, 15N, 2D-NMR, X-ray diffraction and evaluation of a new class of phenylaminoacetic acid benzylidene hydrazines as pfENR inhibitors, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 715-729, 2013.
P. Paramita Samal, Dekshinamoorthy, A., Arunachalam, S., Vijayaraghavan, S., and Krishnamurty, S., Free base phthalocyanine coating as a superior corrosion inhibitor for copper surfaces: a combined experimental and theoretical study, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 648, p. 129138, 2022.
R. Samal, Chakraborty, B., Saxena, M., Late, D. J., and Rout, C. Sekhar, Facile production of mesoporous WO3-rGO hybrids for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes: an experimental and computational study, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 2350-2359, 2019.
P. Paramita Samal, Joshi, K., Kaliaperumal, S., and Krishnamurty, S., Probing the catalytic activity of pristine and doped Pd and Ni metal clusters towards H2O molecule, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, vol. 1170, p. 112624, 2019.
M. Samal, Panda, J., Biswal, B. P., and Sahu, R., Kitchen grinder: a tool for the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks towards size selective dye adsorption, Crystengcomm, vol. 20, no. 18, pp. 2486-2490, 2018.
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