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R. R. Gokhale, Thakare, V. P., Warule, S., Lefez, B., Hannoyer, B., Jog, J. Prakash, and Ogale, S. B., From small aromatic molecules to functional nanostructured carbon by pulsed laser-induced photochemical stitching, AIP Advances, vol. 2, no. 2, p. Article No. 022130, 2012.
S. S. Gokhale, Gogoi, K., and Kumar, V. A., Probing binding preferences of DNA and RNA: backbone chirality of thioacetamido-linked nucleic acids and iso-thioacetamido-linked nucleic acids to differentiate DNA versus RNA selective binding, Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 75, no. 21, pp. 7431-7434, 2010.
D. V. Gokhale, Use of enzymes as tools in industrial processes., Recent patents on biotechnology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 297-298, 2018.
S. Gokhale and Gadgil, C. J., Mathematical model identifies conditions for 'unexpected' increase in target protein levels due to miRNA regulation, Mol. BioSyst., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 760-765, 2012.
S. A. Gokhale, Nyayanit, D., and Gadgil, C. J., Systems view of the protein expression process, Systems and Synthetic Biology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 139–150, 2011.
S. S. Gokhale and Kumar, V. A., Amino/guanidino-functionalized N-(pyrrolidin-2-ethyl)glycine-based pet-PNA: design, synthesis and binding with DNA/RNA, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 8, no. 16, pp. 3742-3750, 2010.
S. A. Gokhale and Gadgil, C. J., Ranking of reactions based on sensitivity of protein noise depends on the choice of noise measure, Plos One, vol. 10, no. 12, p. Article Number: e0143867, 2015.
M. Goldsmith, Barad, S., Knafo, M., Savidor, A., Ben-Dor, S., Brandis, A., Mehlman, T., Peleg, Y., Albeck, S., Dym, O., Ben-Zeev, E., Barbole, R. S., Aharoni, A., and Reich, Z., Identification and characterization of the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of the neurotoxin beta-ODAP in grass pea, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 298, no. 5, p. 101806, 2022.
B. Gole, Sanyal, U., Banerjee, R., and Mukherjee, P. Sarathi, High loading of pd nanoparticles by interior functionalization of mofs for heterogeneous catalysis, Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 2345-2354, 2016.
B. Gole, Bar, A. Kumar, Mallick, A., Banerjee, R., and Mukherjee, P. Sarathi, Electron rich porous extended framework as a heterogeneous catalyst for Diels-Alder reactions, Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 67, pp. 7439-7441, 2013.
S. B. Golegaonkar, Bhonsle, H. S., Boppana, R., and Kulkarni, M. J., Discovery of rifampicin as a new anti-glycating compound by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based insulin glycation assay, European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 221-226, 2010.
S. Golegaonkar, Tabrez, S. S., Pandit, A., Sethurathinam, S., Jagadeeshaprasad, M. G., Bansode, S. B., Sampathkumar, S. - G., Kulkarni, M. J., and Mukhopadhyay, A., Rifampicin reduces advanced glycation end products and activates DAF-16 to increase lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans, Aging Cell, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 463-473, 2015.
N. Vijay Gone, Enayathullah, M. Ghalib, Thomas, J., Rathee, P., Prabhakar, R., Bokara, K. Kumar, and Sanjayan, G. J., Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors featuring novel histidine α-nitrile motif, Chemistry and Biodiversity , vol. 20, no. 12, 2023.
R. G. Gonnade and Shashidhar, M. S., Acyl-transfer reactions in molecular crystals: reactivity correlation with crystal structure, Acta Crystallographica A‐Foundation and Advances, vol. 70, p. C771, 2014.
R. G. Gonnade and Sangtani, E., Polymorphs and cocrystals: a comparative analysis, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 193-226, 2017.
R. G. Gonnade, Bhadbhade, M. M., and Shashidhar, M. S., Crystal-to-crystal transformation amongst dimorphs of racemic 2,6-di-O-(p-halobenzoyl)-myo-inositol 1,3,5-orthoformates that achieves halogen bonding contacts, CrystEngComm, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 288-296, 2008.
R. G. Gonnade, Bhadbhade, M. M., Shashidhar, M. S., and Sanki, A. K., Concomitant dimorphs of tri-O-[p-halobenzoyl]-myo-inositol 1,3,5-orthoformates with different halogen bonding contacts: first order crystal-to-crystal thermal phase transition of kinetic form to the thermodynamic form, Chemical Communications, no. 47, pp. 5870-5872, 2005.
R. G. Gonnade, Bhadbhade, M. M., and Shashidhar, M. S., Crystal-to-crystal thermal phase transition amongst dimorphs of hexa-O-p-toluoyl-myo-inositol conserving two-dimensional isostructurality, Crystengcomm, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 478-484, 2010.
V. Gopakumar, Tiwari, S., and Rahman, I., Deep learning based data driven soft sensor for bioprocesses, Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 136, pp. 28-39, 2018.
S. M. Gopal, Pawar, A. B., Wassenaar, T. A., and Sengupta, D., Lipid-dependent conformational landscape of the ErbB2 growth factor receptor dimers, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, vol. 230, p. 104911, 2020.
V. E. Gopalan, Al-Omari, I. A., D. Kumar, S., Yoshida, Y., Joy, P. Alias, and Anantharaman, M. R., Inverse magnetocaloric effect in sol-gel derived nanosized cobalt ferrite, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 497-503, 2010.
V. E. Gopalan, Al-Omari, I. A., Malini, K. A., Joy, P. Alias, D. Kumar, S., Yoshida, Y., and Anantharaman, M. R., Impact of zinc substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of chemically derived nanosized manganese zinc mixed ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 321, no. 8, pp. 1092-1099, 2009.
V. E. Gopalan, Malini, K. A., Santhoshkumar, G., Narayanan, T. N., Joy, P. Alias, Al-Omari, I. A., D. Kumar, S., Yoshida, Y., and Anantharaman, M. R., Template-assisted synthesis and characterization of passivated nickel nanoparticles, Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 889-897, 2010.
V. E. Gopalan, Joy, P. Alias, Al-Omari, I. A., D. Kumar, S., Yoshida, Y., and Anantharaman, M. R., On the structural, magnetic and electrical properties of sol-gel derived nanosized cobalt ferrite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 485, no. 1-2, pp. 711-717, 2009.
C. S. Gopinath and Nalajala, N., Scalable and thin film approach for solar hydrogen generation: a review on enhanced photocatalytic water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1353-1371, 2021.
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C. S. Gopinath, Thirunavukkarasu, K., and Nagarajan, S., Kinetic evidence for the influence of subsurface oxygen on palladium surfaces towards CO oxidation at high temperatures, Chemistry-an Asian Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 74-80, 2009.
C. S. Gopinath, Roy, K., and Nagarajan, S., Can we shift and/or broaden the catalysis regime towards ambient temperature?, ChemCatChem, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 588-594, 2015.
N. K. Gor, Mali, N. A., and Joshi, S. S., Intensified reactive distillation configurations for production of dimethyl ether, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, vol. 149, p. 107824, 2020.
N. V. Gorantla, Khandelwal, P., Poddar, P., and Chinnathambi, S., Global conformation of Tau protein mapped by Raman spectroscopy, in Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1523, New York: Humana Press Inc., 2017, pp. 21-31.
N. Vijay Gorantla, Das, R., Balaraman, E., and Chinnathambi, S., Transition metal nickel prevents Tau aggregation in Alzheimer's disease, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 156, pp. 1359-1365, 2020.
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N. Vijay Gorantla, Landge, V. G., Nagaraju, P. Gudigenaha, Priyadarshini, P. C. G., Balaraman, E., and Chinnathambi, S., Molecular cobalt(II) complexes for tau polymerization in Alzheimer's disease, ACS Omega , vol. 4, no. 16, pp. 16702-16714, 2019.
N. Vijay Gorantla and Chinnathambi, S., Autophagic pathways to clear the tau aggregates in alzheimer's disease, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2020.
N. V. Gorantla, Sunny, L. P., Rajasekhar, K., Nagaraju, P. G., Priyadarshini, P. C. G., Govindaraju, T., and Chinnathambi, S., Amyloid-beta-derived peptidomimetics inhibits tau aggregation, ACS Omega , vol. 6, no. 17, pp. 11131-11138, 2021.
N. Vijay Gorantla, Das, R., Chidambaram, H., Dubey, T., Mulani, F. A., V. Thulasiram, H., and Chinnathambi, S., Basic limonoid modulates chaperone-mediated proteostasis and dissolve Tau fibrils, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 4023, 2020.
N. Vijay Gorantla and Chinnathambi, S., Tau protein squired by molecular chaperones during alzheimer's disease, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 356-368, 2018.
N. V. Gorantla, Balaraman, E., and Chinnathambi, S., Cobalt-based metal complexes prevent repeat tau aggregation and nontoxic to neuronal cells, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 152, pp. 171-179, 2020.
Y. Goriya and Ramana, C. V., Synthesis of pseudo-indoxyl derivatives via sequential Cu-catalyzed SNAr and Smalley cyclization, Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 57, pp. 6376-6378, 2013.
Y. Goriya and Ramana, C. V., 2-Aroylindoles from o-bromochalcones via Cu(I)-catalyzed SNAr with an azide and intramolecular nitrene C-H insertion, Chemical Communications, vol. 50, no. 58, pp. 7790-7792, 2014.
Y. Goriya and Ramana, C. V., [Cu]-Catalyzed S(N)AR reactions: direct amination of electron deficient aryl halides with sodium azide and the synthesis of arylthioethers under Cu(II)-ascorbate redox system, Tetrahedron, vol. 66, no. 38, pp. 7642-7650, 2010.
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M. Goswami, Madhu, P. K., Dittmer, J., Nielsen, N. C., and Ganapathy, S., Sensitivity enhancement of Si-29 double-quantum dipolar recoupling spectroscopy by Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill acquisition method, Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 478, no. 4-6, pp. 287-291, 2009.
L. Goswami, Paul, S., Kotammagari, T. K., and Bhattacharya, A. K., Synthesis of artemisinin derived glycoconjugates inspired by click chemistry, New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 4017-4021, 2019.
C. Goswami, Saikia, H., Tada, K., Tanaka, S., Sudarsanam, P., Bhargava, S. K., and Bharali, P., Bimetallic palladium nickel nanoparticles anchored on carbon as high-performance electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and formic acid oxidation reactions, ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 9285-9295, 2020.
P. N. Goswami, Mandal, D., and Rath, A. K., Role of surface ligands in determining the electronic properties of quantum dot solids and their impact on photovoltaic figure of merits, Nanoscale, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1072-1080, 2018.
L. Goswami, Gupta, L., Paul, S., Vermani, M., Vijayaraghavan, P., and Bhattacharya, A. K., Design and synthesis of eugenol/isoeugenol glycoconjugates and other analogues as antifungal agents against Aspergillus fumigatus, RSC Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 955-962, 2022.
L. Goswami, Gupta, L., Paul, S., Vijayaraghavan, P., and Bhattacharya, A. K., Design and synthesis of 1,3-diynes as potent antifungal agents against aspergillus fumigatus, ChemMedChem, vol. 18, no. 9, 2023.
R. Goswami, Seal, N., Dash, S. Ranjan, Tyagi, A., and Neogi, S., Devising chemically robust and cationic Ni(II)-MOF with nitrogen-rich micropores for moisture-tolerant CO2 capture: highly regenerative and ultrafast colorimetric sensor for TNP and multiple Oxo-anions in water with theoretical revelation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 11, no. 43, pp. 40134-40150, 2019.
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M. M. Gote, Khan, M. Islam, and Khire, J. Malhar, Active site directed chemical modification of alpha-galactosidase from bacillus stearothermophilus (NCIM 5146): involvement of lysine, tryptophan and carboxylate residues in catalytic site, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 1312-1320, 2007.
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