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H. Pandiri, Gonnade, R. G., and Punji, B., Synthesis of quinolinyl based pincer copper (II) complexes: an efficient catalyst system for Kumada coupling of alkyl chlorides and bromides with alkyl Grignard reagents , Dalton Transactions , vol. 47, no. 46, pp. 16747-16754, 2018.
N. B. Kondekar and Kumar, P., Synthesis of (R)-coniine and (S)-coinicine via organocatalytic alpha-aminoxylation of an aldehyde, Synthesis-Stuttgart, no. 18, pp. 3105-3112, 2010.
B. S. Rajput, Chander, U., Arole, K., Stempfle, F., Menon, S. K., Mecking, S., and Chikkali, S. H., Synthesis of renewable copolyacetals with tunable degradation, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, vol. 217, no. 12, pp. 1396-1410, 2016.
G. N. Raut, Wagh, S. B., and D. Reddy, S., Synthesis of revised structure of klaivanolide (acetylmelodorinol), Arkivoc, no. 2, pp. 116-122, 2016.
B. R. Sathe, Kakade, B. A., Kushwaha, A., Aslam, M., and Pillai, V. K., Synthesis of Rh-carbon nanotube based heterostructures and their enhanced field emission characteristics, Chemical Communications, vol. 46, no. 31, pp. 5671-5673, 2010.
N. B. Kondekar and Kumar, P., Synthesis of (R)-selegiline via hydrolytic kinetic resolution, Synthetic Communications, vol. 41, no. 9, p. PII 935777980, 2011.
M. M. Patil, Deshpande, V. V., Deshpande, S. B., Samuel, V., and Ravi, V., Synthesis of rutile from ATO and stearic acid, Materials Letters, vol. 59, no. 21, pp. 2673-2675, 2005.
B. R. Sathe, Patil, M., Walke, P. S., Vivek, J. P., Lele, A. K., Pillai, V. K., and Mulla, I. S., Synthesis of Sb-doped SnO2 nanowires and hyperbranched structures, Science of Advanced Materials, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-43, 2009.
V. S. Ajithkumar, Ghanwat, P. B., K. Raj, V., Vanka, K., Gonnade, R. G., and Sen, S. S., Synthesis of Si(IV)- and Ge(II)-substituted amines, hydrazone, and hydrazine from hypersilyl germylene, Organometallics, vol. 42, no. 20, pp. 2983-2990, 2023.
S. Das, Pati, D., Tiwari, N., Nisal, A., and Gupta, S. Sen, Synthesis of silk fibroin-glycopolypeptide conjugates and their recognition with lectin, Biomacromolecules, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 3695-3702, 2012.
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U. S. Taralkar, Niphadkar, P. S., and Joshi, P. N., Synthesis of Si-MCM-41 from ternary SiO2-CTAOH-H2O system via dry gel conversion route, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 244-250, 2009.
P. G. Chavan, Badadhe, S. S., Mulla, I. S., More, M. A., and Joag, D. S., Synthesis of single crystalline CdS nanocombs and their application in photo-sensitive field emission switches, Nanoscale, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1078-1083, 2011.
V. Balraju, D. Reddy, S., Periasamy, M., and Iqbal, J., Synthesis of small cyclic peptides constrained with 3-(3-aminomethylphenyl)propionic acid linkers using free radical-mediated macrocyclization, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 46, no. 31, pp. 5207-5210, 2005.
N. P. Tangale, Niphadkar, P. S., Samuel, V., Deshpande, S. S., Joshi, P. N., and Awate, S. V., Synthesis of Sn-containing anatase (TiO2) by sol-gel method and their performance in catalytic water splitting under visible light as a function of tin content, Materials Letters, vol. 171, pp. 50-54, 2016.
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M. M. Ahire and Mhaske, S. B., Synthesis of succinimide derivatives by NHC-catalyzed stetter reaction of aromatic aldehydes with N-substituted itaconimides, ACS Omega, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 6598–6604, 2017.
S. Allu, Garai, A., Chernyshev, V. V., and Nangia, A. K., Synthesis of ternary cocrystals, salts, and hydrates of acefylline with enhanced dissolution and high permeability, Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4165–4181, 2022.
A. M. A. Shumaila, Puranik, V. G., and Kusurkar, R. S., Synthesis of tetrahydro-5-azaindoles and 5-azaindoles using pictet-spengler reaction-appreciable difference in products using different acid catalysts, Tetrahedron, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 936-942, 2011.
B. P. Gurale, Shashidhar, M. S., and Gonnade, R. G., Synthesis of the aminocyclitol units of (-)-hygromycin a and methoxyhygromycin from myo-inositol, Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 77, no. 13, pp. 5801-5807, 2012.
A. K. Bhattacharya, Kaur, T., and Ganesh, K. N., Synthesis of the antibacterial benzoquinone primin and its water-soluble analogue, primin acid, Synthesis-Stuttgart, no. 7, pp. 1141-1144, 2010.
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D. K. Mohapatra, Rahaman, H., Chorghade, M. S., and Gurjar, M. K., Synthesis of the C19-C34 segment of amphidinolide C, Synlett, no. 4, pp. 567-570, 2007.
P. Patel, B. Reddy, N., and Ramana, C. V., Synthesis of the central tricyclic core of the isatisine A: harmonious orchestration of [metal]-catalyzed reactions in a sequence, Tetrahedron, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 510-516, 2014.
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D. K. Mohapatra, Mondal, D., Gonnade, R. G., Chorghade, M. S., and Gurjar, M. K., Synthesis of the spiro fused beta-lactone-gamma-lactam segment of oxazolomycin, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 47, no. 37, pp. 6031-6035, 2006.
A. U. Chopade, Chopade, M. U., Chanda, B. M., Sawaikar, D. D., Sonawane, K. B., and Gurjar, M. K., Synthesis of (+/-)-thia-calanolide A, its resolution and in vitro biological evaluation, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 9, pp. S1597-S1602, 2016.
J. G. Chandorkar, Umbarkar, S. B., Rode, C. V., Kotwal, V. B., and Dongare, M. K., Synthesis of tinidazole by condensation-oxidation sequence using MoO3/SiO2 bifunctional catalyst, Catalysis Communications, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1550-1555, 2007.
D. V. Ravi Kumar, Kulkarni, A. A., and Prasad, B. L. V., Synthesis of triangular gold nanoplates: role of bromide ion and temperature, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 422, pp. 181-190, 2013.
T. M. Potewar, Ingale, S. A., and Srinivasan, K. V., Synthesis of tryptanthrin and deoxyvasicinone by a regioselective lithiation-intramolecular electrophilic reaction approach, Arkivoc, pp. 100-U9, 2008.
S. D. Nale and Jadhav, V. H., Synthesis of tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase i inhibitors, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 57, no. 24, pp. 2652-2654, 2016.
R. Soni, Bhange, S. N., Athira, E., Chetry, R., and Kurungot, S., Synthesis of ultrathin PEDOT on carbon nanotubes and shear thinning xanthan Gum-H2SO4 gel electrolyte for supercapacitors, ChemElectroChem, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1861-1869, 2019.
K. S. Prasad, Amin, T., Katuva, S., Kumari, M., and Selvaraj, K., Synthesis of water soluble CdS nanoparticles and study of their DNA damage activity, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 3929-S3935, 2017.
P. S. Deore, Batwal, R. U., and Argade, N. P., Synthesis of yangjinhualine A, Synthesis-Stuttgart, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 485-488, 2015.
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M. N. Patil, Gonnade, R. G., and Joshi, N. N., Synthesis, resolution, and applications of 3-amino-2,2-dimethy1-1,3-diphenylpropan-1-ol, a conformationally restricted 1,3-aminoalcohol, Tetrahedron, vol. 66, no. 27-28, pp. 5036-5041, 2010.
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M. Saravanabhavan, Sathya, K., Puranik, V. G., and Sekar, M., Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and structural investigations of new adduct compound of carbazole with picric acid: DNA binding and antimicrobial studies, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 118, pp. 399-406, 2014.
P. S. Patil, Haram, N. S., Pal, R. R., Periasamy, N., Wadgaonkar, P. P., and Salunkhe, M. M., Synthesis, spectroscopy, and electrochemical investigation of new conjugated polymers containing thiophene and 1,3,4-thiadiazole in the main chain, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 125, no. 3, pp. 1882-1889, 2012.
T. Banerjee, Kaniyankandy, S., Das, A., and Ghosh, H. Nath, Synthesis, steady-state, and femtosecond transient absorption studies of resorcinol bound ruthenium(ii)- and osmium(ii)-polypyridyl complexes on nano-TiO2 surface in water, Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 5366–5377, 2013.
V. E. Goud, Sivaramakrishna, A., Vijayakrishna, K., Rao, C. V. S. Brah, Khedkar, V. M., and Jha, P. C., Synthesis, structure and DNA interaction studies of bisphosphoramides: theoretical and experimental insights, Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 461, pp. 84-91, 2017.
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