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S. Chakraborty, Kabi, M., and Ranga, U., Stronger transcription regulatory circuit of HIV-1C drives the rapid establishment of latency with implications for the direct involvement of tat, Journal of Virology, vol. 94, no. 19, pp. e00503-20, 2020.
S. Chakraborty, Purkayastha, D. Dhar, Das, G., Bhattacharjee, C. R., Mondal, P., S. Prasad, K., and Rao, D. S. Shankar, Photoluminescent tetrahedral d(10)-metal Schiff base complexes exhibiting highly ordered mesomorphism, Polyhedron, vol. 105, pp. 150-158, 2016.
D. Chakraborty, Nandi, S., Illathvalappil, R., Mullangi, D., Maity, R., Singh, S. K., Haldar, S., Vinod, C. P., Kurungot, S., and Vaidhyanathan, R., Carbon derived from soft pyrolysis of a covalent organic framework as a support for small-sized RuO2 showing exceptionally low overpotential for oxygen evolution reaction, ACS Omega, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 13465-13473, 2019.
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S. Chakraborty, Das, R., Riyaz, M., Das, K., Singh, A. Kumar, Bagchi, D., Vinod, C. P., and Peter, S. C., Wurtzite CuGaS2 with an in-situ-formed CuO layer photocatalyzes CO2 conversion to ethylene with high selectivity, Angewandte chemie-international edition, vol. 62, 2023.
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