Influence of PdO content and pathway of its formation on methane combustion activity

TitleInfluence of PdO content and pathway of its formation on methane combustion activity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsChoudhary, TV, Banerjee, S, Choudhary, VR
JournalCatalysis Communications
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsMethane combustion, Oxidation, partially oxidized Pd-0/Al2O3, partially reduced PdO/Al2O3, Pd-0/Al2O3, PdO/Al2O3, pulse reaction of methane

The methane oxidation reaction is known to induce changes in the surface structure and composition of Pd catalysts; making it extremely arduous to relate the methane oxidation activity to specific catalyst properties by conventional methods (continuous flow reactor studies). To circumvent this, methodical pulse reactor studies have been undertaken to obtain correlations between the initial methane combustion activity and the catalyst properties (Pd-0/PdO content and path of PdO formation). While the initial methane combustion activity (at 160-280 degreesC) continuously increased with increasing PdO concentration (0-100%) in the catalyst, it continuously decreased with increasing Pddegrees content (0-100%). Controlled studies were undertaken to obtain catalysts with identical PdO content by two pathways: (i) by controlled partial oxidization of Pd-0/Al2O3 and (ii) by controlled partial reduction of PdO/Al2O3. Interestingly, for a given PdO content, the catalysts obtained by partial oxidation of Pd-0/Al2O3 showed a significantly superior performance to the catalyst obtained by partial reduction of PdO/Al2O3 for all the temperatures investigated. These studies unambiguously show that along with the relative concentration of PdO, the PdO formation pathway is also critical in deciding the methane combustion activity of the catalyst. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Impact Factor (IF)3.389
Divison category: 
Chemical Engineering & Process Development