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B. Mishra, Mukherjee, A., Mullick, A., Bhandari, V. M., and Moulik, S., Design of hydrodynamic cavitation assisted intensified tertiary treatment unit for effective degradation of organic micropollutants in pharmaceutical industrial effluent: a case study with triclosan, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 49, p. 103132, 2022.
P. B. Patil, Thanekar, P., and Bhandari, V. M., Intensified hydrodynamic cavitation using vortex flow based cavitating device for degradation of ciprofloxacin, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, vol. 187, pp. 623-632, 2022.
P. B. Patil and Bhandari, V. M., Solvent-assisted cavitation for enhanced removal of organic pollutants - degradation of 4-aminophenol, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 311, p. 114857, 2022.
D. Dixit, Bhandari, V. M., Mane, M. B., and Balapure, K., Studies in instant water disinfection using natural oils, Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 187, p. 108631, 2022.
T. Sinha, Adhikari, P. Pradip, and Bhandari, V. M., Sustainable fabrication of copper nanoparticles: a potent and affordable candidate for water treatment, water disinfection, antioxidant activity and theranostic agent, ChemistrySelect, vol. 7, no. 15, p. e202103552, 2022.