Development of multipurpose biomass-derived adsorbents using Coccinia grandis for removal of contaminants

TitleDevelopment of multipurpose biomass-derived adsorbents using Coccinia grandis for removal of contaminants
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsRaj, SS, Mane, MB, Thanekar, P, Balapure, K, Bhandari, VM
JournalClean Technologies and Environmental Policies
Date PublishedDEC
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsAdsorption, Biomass, Disinfection, dye removal, nanomaterial, Separation

The present study is an attempt to develop newer multipurpose biomass-derived adsorbents for water and wastewater treatment; biomass that are easily available, renewable and most importantly, sustainable. A model adsorbent was developed using Coccinia grandis (CG, Ivy gourd) and further modified by impregnating copper nanoparticles (CG-Cu). The adsorbent characterization was done for evaluating surface morphology, surface area and metal modification. The utility of the newer adsorbents was established for the removal of different contaminants such as dyes (cationic Malachite Green, anionic Congo Red and fluorescent cationic Rhodamine B), Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient pollutant (Ciprofloxacin) and also for the removal of pathogenic bacteria, Gram-negative Escherichia coli. Both CG and CG-Cu bio-nanocomposite were highly effective in removal of different contaminants, 99% dye removal for Malachite Green, with a high adsorption capacity of 49 mg/g, higher than that for commercial activated charcoal whereas for all other dyes, the performance of CG-Cu was similar. The isotherm studies indicated multilayer adsorption, in general. A good adsorption capacity of 10.8 mg/g was also observed for the removal of ciprofloxacin. The combined effect of the bio-nanocomposite, CG-Cu was impressive and 100% disinfection was achieved within 10 min, due to the antimicrobial activity of Cu and oxidation effect of reactive oxygen species enhancing the disinfection.Graphical abstractMultipurpose biomass derived adsorbents using Coccinia grandis for removal of contaminants

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Chemical Engineering & Process Development
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