High-Performance flexible solid-state supercapacitor with an extended nanoregime interface through in situ polymer electrolyte generation

TitleHigh-Performance flexible solid-state supercapacitor with an extended nanoregime interface through in situ polymer electrolyte generation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAnothumakkool, B, Torris, AAT, Veeliyath, S, Vijayakumar, V, Badiger, MV, Kurungot, S
JournalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Date PublishedJAN
Keywordscyclic voltametry, impedance analysis, in situ polymer generation, interface, polymer electrolyte, supercapacitor

{Here, we report an efficient strategy by which a significantly enhanced electrodeelectrolyte interface in an electrode for supercapacitor application could be accomplished by allowing in situ polymer gel electrolyte generation inside the nanopores of the electrodes. This unique and highly efficient strategy could be conceived by judiciously maintaining ultraviolet-triggered polymerization of a monomer mixture in the presence of a high-surface-area porous carbon. The method is very simple and scalable, and a prototype, flexible solid-state supercapacitor could even be demonstrated in an encapsulation-free condition by using the commercial-grade electrodes (thickness = 150 mu m

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)7.145
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Polymer Science & Engineering