Identification and functionality prediction of pathogenesis-related protein 1 from legume family

TitleIdentification and functionality prediction of pathogenesis-related protein 1 from legume family
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTellis, M, Mathur, M, Gurjar, G, Kadoo, N, Gupta, V
JournalProteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics
Date PublishedNOV
Type of ArticleArticle
AbstractThe production and accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in plants is one of the important responses to biotic and abiotic stress. Large number of identified PR proteins has been categorized into 17 functional families based on their structure, phylogenetics, and biological activities. However, they are not widely studied in legume crops. Using 29 PR1 proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, as query, here we have predicted 92 candidate PR1 proteins through the PSI-BLAST and HMMER programs. These candidate proteins were comprehensively analyzed with, multiple sequence alignment, domain architecture studies, signal peptide, and motif extraction followed by phylogenetic analysis. Further, response of two candidate PR1 proteins from chickpea against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.ciceri attack was validated using qRT-PCR followed by their 3D structure prediction. To decipher mode of action for PR1s, docking of pathogen extracellular matrix components along with fungal elicitors was performed with two chickpea PR1 proteins. Based on these findings, we propose carbohydrate to be the unique pathogen-recognition feature for PR1 proteins and beta-glucanase activity via beta-glucan binding or modification.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)2.289
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences

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