Efforts to access the potent antitrypanosomal marine natural product janadolide: synthesis of des- tert -butyl janadolide and its biological evaluation

TitleEfforts to access the potent antitrypanosomal marine natural product janadolide: synthesis of des- tert -butyl janadolide and its biological evaluation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAthawale, PR, Jachak, G, Shukla, A, Shanmugam, D, Reddy, S
JournalACS Omega
Date PublishedFEB
AbstractTo identify novel antitrypanosomal agents based on Janadolide, a potent macrocyclic polyketide–peptide hybrid, a macrolactonization strategy was explored. We prepared des-tert-butyl Janadolide and evaluated its antitrypanosomal activity. Our findings suggest that the tert-butyl group is necessary for the desired bioactivity.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)Not Available
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences
Organic Chemistry

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