Covalent organic framework-cadmium sulfide hybrid as a prototype photocatalyst for visible-light-driven hydrogen production

TitleCovalent organic framework-cadmium sulfide hybrid as a prototype photocatalyst for visible-light-driven hydrogen production
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsThote, J, Aiyappa, HBarike, Deshpande, A, Diaz, DDiaz, Kurungot, S, Banerjee, R
JournalChemistry A-European Journal
Date PublishedNOV
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordscharge transfer, covalent organic frameworks, hybrid materials, hydrogen production, Photocatalysis

CdS nanoparticles were deposited on a highly stable, two-dimensional (2D) covalent organic framework (COF) matrix and the hybrid was tested for photocatalytic hydrogen production. The efficiency of CdS-COF hybrid was investigated by varying the COF content. On the introduction of just 1 wt% of COF, a dramatic tenfold increase in the overall photocatalytic activity of the hybrid was observed. Among the various hybrids synthesized, that with 10 wt% COF, named CdS-COF (90: 10), was found to exhibit a steep H2 production amounting to 3678 mmolh(-1) g(-1), which is significantly higher than that of bulk CdS particles (124 mmolh(-1)g(-1)). The presence of a p-conjugated backbone, high surface area, and occurrence of abundant 2D hetero-interface highlight the usage of COF as an effective support for stabilizing the generated photoelectrons, thereby resulting in an efficient and high photocatalytic activity.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)5.771
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry