Conformational studies of Ant-Pro motif-incorporated cyclic peptides: gramicidin S and avellanin

TitleConformational studies of Ant-Pro motif-incorporated cyclic peptides: gramicidin S and avellanin
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKotmale, AS, Sangtani, E, Gonnade, RG, Sarkar, D, Burade, S, Rajamohanan, PR, Sanjayan, GJ
JournalNew Journal of Chemistry
Date PublishedJAN
AbstractThis paper reports conformational changes observed in cyclic bioactive peptides such as gramicidin S and avellanin upon incorporation of a pseudo-beta (C9) Ant-(D)Pro turn motif in their structural frameworks. Solution-state studies suggested that a synthetic gramicidin S analog exhibits a beta-sheet conformation with C9 and C17 intramolecular hydrogen bonding patterns, while its truncated analog disturbs the beta-sheet conformation. Structural details were obtained using a combination of CD studies, X-ray crystal structure studies and nOe-based MD simulation studies.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)3.269
Divison category: 
Center for Material Characterization (CMC)
Central NMR Facility
Organic Chemistry

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