Comparative proteomics unravels the differences in salt stress response of own-rooted and 110R-grafted thompson seedless grapevines

TitleComparative proteomics unravels the differences in salt stress response of own-rooted and 110R-grafted thompson seedless grapevines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPatil, S, Shinde, M, Prashant, R, Kadoo, N, Upadhyay, A, Gupta, V
JournalJournal of Proteome Research
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywords110R rootstock, gene ontology, grafting, label-free proteomics, salt stress, Vitis vinifera

Thompson Seedless, a commonly grown table grape variety, is sensitive to salinity when grown on its own roots, and therefore, it is frequently grafted onto salinity-tolerant wild grapevine rootstocks. Rising soil salinity is a growing concern in irrigated agricultural systems. The accumulation of salts near the root zone severely hampers plant growth, leading to a decrease in the productive lifespan of grapevine and causing heavy yield losses to the farmer. In the present study, we investigated the differences in response to salinity between own-rooted Thompson Seedless (TSOR) and 110R-grafted Thompson Seedless (TS110R) grapevines, wherein 110R is reported to be a salt-tolerant rootstock. The grapevines were subjected to salt stress by treating them with a 150 mM NaCl solution. The stress-induced changes in protein abundance were investigated using a label-free shotgun proteomics approach at three time points viz. 6 h, 48 h, and 7 days of salt treatment. A total of 2793 proteins were identified, of which 246 were differentially abundant at various time-points in TSOR and TS110R vines. The abundance of proteins involved in several biological processes such as photosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, translation, chlorophyll biosynthesis, and generation of precursor metabolites was significantly affected by salt stress in both the vines but at different stages of stress. The results revealed that TSOR vines responded fervently to salt stress, while TS110R vines adopted a preventive approach. The findings of this study add to the knowledge of salinity response in woody and grafted plants and hence open the scope for further studies on salt stress-specific differences induced by grafting.

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Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences

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