Access to NHC-Boryl mono- and bis-selenide and utility as mild selenium transfer reagent including to the C-F bond

TitleAccess to NHC-Boryl mono- and bis-selenide and utility as mild selenium transfer reagent including to the C-F bond
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsKundu, G, Amrutha, PR, Tothadi, S, Sen, SS
JournalChemistry- a european journal
Date PublishedJAN
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsboron, C-F Bond Activation, N-Heterocyclic carbene, Ring expansion, Selenium

Reactions of 5-SIDipp & sdot; BH3 (5-SIDipp=1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-imidazolin-2-ylidene) (1) with diphenyldiselenide provide access to 5-SIDipp-boryl mono- (5-SIDipp & sdot; BH2SePh) (2) and bis-selenide (5-SIDipp & sdot; BH(SePh)2) (3). The facile cleavage of the B-Se bond makes 2 a neutral source of selenium nucleophiles in substitutions reactions with benzyl bromides, and provide access to the corresponding selenoethers. The direct transformations of one of the C(sp2)-F bonds of C5F5N and C6F5CF3 to C-Se bonds have also been achieved by the use of 2 without employing transition-metal catalysts. While it was previously established that C6F6 could undergo complete defluoroselenation under harsh conditions, we successfully achieved partial defluorination of C6F6 by employing 2 as a mild selenide transfer reagent. During the formation of C-Se bonds through the cleavage of C-F bonds, the potential by-product NHC & sdot; BH2F undergoes ring expansion of the NHC, leading to the formation of the six-membered diaazafluoroborinane (7). Access to NHC & sdot; boryl mono- and bis-selenides from NHC & sdot; BH3 has been achieved. The boryl mono selenide has been demonstrated to function as a selenium transfer reagent, enabling the synthesis of selenoethers from benzyl bromide. Additionally, it can also facilitate the conversion of the challenging aromatic C-F bond to a C-Se bond, resulting in concomitant ring expansion of NHC & sdot; haloborane.image

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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