Bimetallic Ni–Pd synergism—mixed metal catalysis of the mizoroki-heck reaction and the suzuki–miyaura coupling of aryl bromides

TitleBimetallic Ni–Pd synergism—mixed metal catalysis of the mizoroki-heck reaction and the suzuki–miyaura coupling of aryl bromides
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKashid, AA, Patil, DJ, Mali, RD, Patil, VP, Neethu, TV, Meroliya, HK, Waghmode, SA, Iyer, S
JournalCatalysis Letters
Pagination353 - 358
Date PublishedFEB
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1572-879X
AbstractA combination of Pd and Ni complexes activated aryl bromides for the thermal Mizoroki-Heck reaction and Suzuki coupling giving high yields in short reaction times. A thermal redox mechanism probably occurs whereby Ni complex transfers electron and reduces the Pd (II) to Pd (0) which then takes the reactants through the standard protocol of oxidative-addition, migratory insertion and reductive elimination, typical for the Mizoroki-Heck reaction and the Suzuki coupling.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)3.186
Short TitleCatalysis Letters
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry

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