Insights of Bipolaris sorokinianasecretome-anin silicoapproach

TitleInsights of Bipolaris sorokinianasecretome-anin silicoapproach
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPathak, GM, Gurjar, GS, Kadoo, NY
Date PublishedDEC
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsCochliobolus sativus, pathogenesis, Phytopathogenic fungi, Secretory proteins, Virulence

The plant pathogen,Bipolaris sorokiniana(teleomorph:Cochliobolus sativus), is of global concern as it attacks many economically important cereals and grasses. During the infection process, phytopathogenic fungi are known to secrete a variety of proteins collectively known as the secretome, analyzing which can help in deciphering the mechanism of fungal pathogenesis. In this study, we performedin silicosecretome analysis ofC. sativusstrain ND90Pr using established secretome prediction pipeline involving software tools such as SignalP, TargetP, TMHMM, big-PI Fungal Predictor, ProtComp, and WoLF PSORT. Using these software and other prediction criteria, we identified 196 probable secretory proteins from theB. sorokinianaproteome. Characterization of the predicted secretome revealed proteins that may have probable functions in degradation of the plant cell wall, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, as well as in pathogenesis and metabolism. Further, the PHI-base analysis identified 38 proteins having a possible role in pathogenicity and virulence. This study helped to predict the composition of the secretome ofB. sorokinianaand extrapolate its role in plant infection and pathogen survival. It may provide clues for developing new control strategies targeting the vital fungal secretory proteins.

DOI10.2478/s11756-020-00537-4, Early Access Date = JUN 2020
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)


Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences

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