CRC handbook of terpenoids: triterpenoids: Volume ii: pentacyclic and hexacyclic triterpenoids

TitleCRC handbook of terpenoids: triterpenoids: Volume ii: pentacyclic and hexacyclic triterpenoids
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDev, S, Gupta, AS
Number of Pages1-624
PublisherCRC Press

A compilation of all the known information on terpenoids specifically triterpenoids, is presented in these volumes. The most important available information on a particular compound is discussed, such as its isolation/occurence, available spectral data, and leading references on structural determination. Additionally, triterpenoids synthesis, biosynthesis, proven pharmacological properties, and any known applications are explained. A comprehensive general introduction has been included which surveys the development of triterpenoid chemistry from the beginning to the present. Extremely helpful is the selected list of references to books and reviews dealing with various aspects of triterpenoid chemistry

Divison category: 
Chemical Engineering & Process Development

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