ffects of cations, anions and H+ concentration of acidic ionic liquids on the valorization of polysaccharides into furfural

Titleffects of cations, anions and H+ concentration of acidic ionic liquids on the valorization of polysaccharides into furfural
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMatsagar, BM, Dhepe, PL
JournalNew Journal of Chemistry
Date PublishedJUL
Type of ArticleArticle
AbstractThe valorization of hemicellulose into valuable chemicals, such as C5 sugars and furfural, in a one-pot fashion is crucial. In this work, acidic ionic liquids in the presence of water showed high yields of C5 sugars (>80%) with >99% conversion of hemicelluloses at 160 degrees C. With a water + toluene biphasic solvent system, within 4 h, an 85% furfural yield was obtained directly from hemicellulose in a one-pot fashion using a catalytic amount of 1-methyl-3-(3-sulfopropyl)-imidazolium hydrogen sulfate. It was seen that Bronsted acidic ionic liquids (BAILs) perform better than solid acid [Faujasite and Mordenite zeolites; ion exchange resin, Amberlyst-15] and mineral catalysts [HCl and H2SO4]. The higher activity of BAILs compared to solid acids and mineral acids was correlated to the Hammett acidity function (Ho) and ion-dipole type of interactions. The catalysts were characterized using NMR (H-1 and C-13), elemental analysis and TGA to confirm that they were stable under reaction conditions and were thus recyclable.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)3.277
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

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