Medium constituents mediated engineering for size and shape tuning of gold nanocrystallites

TitleMedium constituents mediated engineering for size and shape tuning of gold nanocrystallites
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSuresh, AK, Vijay, V, Hameed, BS, Ramasamy, S, Sakthivel, N
JournalJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Date PublishedJUL
AbstractThe current investigation introduces the utilization of cell culture mediums as a novel source for the one plot synthesis as well as stabilization of metal nanoparticles. By varying the medium constituents we could control the size and shape distributions of the gold nanoparticles. Nanospheres of diameter 24 +/- 6 nm and 19 +/- 5 nm were produced using DMEM and M199 mediums respectively, nanoneedles of 150 +/- 50 nm using RPMI medium and nanoflowers of 60 +/- 25 nm using IMDM medium, with an overall yield of 91 +/- 2%. A remarkable decrease in the reaction duration (
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)4.179
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences

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