Recent applications of chloroaluminate ionic liquids in promoting organic reactions

TitleRecent applications of chloroaluminate ionic liquids in promoting organic reactions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsKumar, A, Sarma, D
EditorRogers, RD, Seddon, KR
Conference NameSymposium on Ionic Liquids - Fundamentals, Progress, Challenges and Opportunities held at the 226th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting
Date PublishedSEP
PublisherAmer Chemical Soc, 1155 Sixteenth ST NW, Washington, DC 20036 USA
Conference LocationNew York, USA
ISBN Number0-8412-3893-6

Chloroaluminate ionic liquids composed of AICl(3) and organic cations can promote a variety of organic reactions. The composition of these chloroaluminate ionic liquids governs the acidity and basicity of solvent media, in which the reactions are carried out. Useful physico-chemical properties of these ionic liquids and the recent work on their role in accelerating organic reactions are described in the present article.

Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry