Calcite growth in Cissus quadrangularis plant extract, a traditional Indian bone-healing aid

TitleCalcite growth in Cissus quadrangularis plant extract, a traditional Indian bone-healing aid
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSanyal, A, Ahmad, A, Sastry, M
JournalCurrent Science
Date PublishedNOV
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsbone fracture, calcite crystals, Cissus quadrangularis, traditional healing

Cissus quadrangularis, a plant that has been customarily used in the Indian subcontinent to hasten the process of healing in bone fractures, has been studied and exploited to synthesize calcite crystals. The plant extract serves as a rich source of calcium ions, which when reacted with CO2, leads to the formation of calcite crystals of highly irregular morphology indicating that bioorganic molecules present in the extract modulate the crystal morphology.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Indian
Impact Factor (IF)0.967
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences