Purification and characterization of putative alkaline [Ni-Fe] hydrogenase from unicellular marine green alga, tetraselmis kochinensis NCIM 1605

TitlePurification and characterization of putative alkaline [Ni-Fe] hydrogenase from unicellular marine green alga, tetraselmis kochinensis NCIM 1605
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBhosale, SH, Pant, A, Khan, MIslam
JournalMicrobiological Research
Date PublishedFEB
KeywordsCharacterization, Chemical modification, Ni-Fe hydrogenase, Tetraselmis kochinensis, Unicellular green algae

Hydrogenase enzyme from the unicellular marine green alga Tetraselmis kochinensis NCIM 1605 was purified 467 fold to homogeneity. The molecular weight was estimated to be similar to 89kDa by SDS-PAGE. This enzyme consists of two subunits with molecular masses of similar to 70 and similar to 19 kDa. The hydrogenase was found to contain 10 g atoms of Fe and 1 g of atom of Ni per mote of protein. The specific activity of hydrogen evolution was 50 mu mol H-2/mg/h of enzyme using reduced methyl viologen as an electron donor. This hydrogenase enzyme has pl value similar to 9.6 representing its alkaline nature. The absorption spectrum of the hydrogenase enzyme showed an absorption peak at 425 nm indicating that the enzyme had iron-sulfur clusters. The total of 16 cysteine residues were found per mote of enzyme under the denaturing condition and 20 cysteine residues in reduced denatured enzyme indicating that it has two disulfide bridges. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier GmbH.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)1.958
Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences