Mitigating the cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots and enhancing their applications in bioimaging and drug delivery

TitleMitigating the cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots and enhancing their applications in bioimaging and drug delivery
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChandra, A, Deshpande, S, Shinde, DB, Pillai, VK, Singh, N
JournalACS Macro Letters
Date PublishedOCT

Despite the promising photophysical properties of fluorescent graphene quantum dots (GQDs), their cellular toxicity needs to be addressed before their full potential could be completely realized in biomedicine. A simple method for mitigating the toxicity of GQDs by embedding them in PEG matrix is reported here. The enhanced biocompatibility of polymer modified, P-GQDs, is attributed to reduced reactive oxygen species generation, as measured by an intracellular ROS assay. We also demonstrate the enhanced loading and efficient intracellular delivery of therapeutics by P-GQDs.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)6.11
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Polymer Science & Engineering