TiO2 modification by gold (Au) for photocatalytic hydrogen (H-2) production

TitleTiO2 modification by gold (Au) for photocatalytic hydrogen (H-2) production
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGupta, B, Melvin, AA, Matthews, T, Dash, S, Tyagi, AK
JournalRenewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
Date PublishedMAY
KeywordsGold nanoparticle, Hydrogen generation, Nanocomposite, Photocatalysis, TiO2

TiO2 is indeed one of the widely used semiconductors employed for photocatalytic hydrogen production. Most of its photocatalytic activity-is achieved in its crystalline form. However, its photocatalytic activity is limited to ultraviolet region. For making TiO2 visible light active; Au deposition is strongly recommended due to its surface plasmon feature. Au deposition enhances the photocatalytic activity of both crystalline and nanocrystalline TiO2. Efficiency of photocatalytic activity is controlled by shape and size of Au nanoparticle subsequently the synthetic methodology plays an important role. Herein, we furnish a brief description of TiO2-Au nanocomposite synthesis by different methods viz. sol-gel, photodeposition, deposition-precipitation simple reducing method and dispersion method. A discussion on physical properties of the resultant material is also provided. Three different types of mechanism has been described depending on the type of irradiation and form of TiO2 (crystalline and nanocrytalline). A comparative hydrogen production yield is also tabulated to get an idea about the best synthesis methodology and form of TiO2 for efficient photocatalysis. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)6.798
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry