Utility of metagenomics for bioremediation: a comprehensive review on bioremediation mechanisms and microbial dynamics of river ecosystem

TitleUtility of metagenomics for bioremediation: a comprehensive review on bioremediation mechanisms and microbial dynamics of river ecosystem
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsYadav, R, Dharne, M
JournalEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleReview
KeywordsBioremediation, Metagenomics, Rivers, Water hyacinth, Xenobiotic

Global industrialization has contributed substantial amounts of chemical pollutants in rivers, resulting in an uninhabitable state and impacting different life forms. Moreover, water macrophytes, such as water hyacinths, are abundantly present in polluted rivers, significantly affecting the overall water biogeochemistry. Bioremediation involves utilizing microbial metabolic machinery and is one of the most viable approaches for removing toxic pollutants. Conventional techniques generate limited information on the indigenous microbial population and their xenobiotic metabolism, failing the bioremediation process. Metagenomics can overcome these limitations by providing in-depth details of microbial taxa and functionality-related information required for successful biostimulation and augmentation. An in-depth summary of the findings related to pollutant metabolizing genes and enzymes in rivers still needs to be collated. The present study details bioremediation genes and enzymes functionally mined from polluted river ecosystems worldwide using a metagenomic approach. Several studies reported a wide variety of pollutant-degrading enzymes involved in the metabolism of dyes, plastics, persistent organic pollutants, and aromatic hydrocarbons. Additionally, few studies also noted a shift in the microbiome of the rivers upon exposure to contaminants, crucially affecting the ecological determinant processes. Furthermore, minimal studies have focused on the role of water-hyacinth-associated microbes in the bioremediation potentials, suggesting the need for the bioprospecting of these lesser-studied microbes. Overall, our study summarizes the prospects and utilities of the metagenomic approach and proposes the need to employ it for efficient bioremediation.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Biochemical Sciences
Web of Science (WoS)

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