Unlocking the genetic and biotechnological potential of Gloriosa superba to enhance its alkaloid production

TitleUnlocking the genetic and biotechnological potential of Gloriosa superba to enhance its alkaloid production
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsMahajan, YA, Shinde, BA, Shirke, HA, Gandra, J, Suravajhala, P, Kishor, PBKavi, Kadoo, NY, Nikam, TD
JournalIndustrial Crops and Products
Date PublishedMAY
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsBiosynthetic pathway, Colchicine, Genetic diversity, Glory lily, Metabolite elicitation, Omics approaches

Gloriosa superba is a medicinally important plant that produces the pharmaceutically precious colchicine molecule. Colchicine is being used for treating gout, for enhancing the production of interleukin-8 (inhibits human pancreatic cancer) and many other human ailments. Since its seeds and rhizomes (tuberous roots) are the chief sources of colchicine, pharmaceutical industries exploit the natural sources, thus demolishing its habitat. Chemo- and genetic diversity among the G. superba populations exist, but has not been exploited profitably. Scope exists for generating mutants using the chemical mutagens and also via breeding methods to generate superior varieties for commercial cultivation. Innovative methods for breaking seed dormancy and superior colchicine extraction, besides biotechnological interventions are imperative to save the biodiversity and to produce colchicine on a large scale. Biorhizomes produced in vitro hold great promise for biomanufacturing colchicine in bioreactors commercially. Since the biosynthetic pathway of colchicine is now known, isolation of the pathway genes and their heterologous overexpression or the application of synthetic biology methods needs to be explored in future for industrial manufacturing of colchicine. Advances made in the recent past in these fields of colchicine production from G. superba are critically evaluated in this review.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Biochemical Sciences
Web of Science (WoS)

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