Unified approach to pyrrole-embedded aza-heterocyclic scaffolds based on the RCM/isomerization/cyclization cascade catalyzed by a Ru/B-H binary catalyst system

TitleUnified approach to pyrrole-embedded aza-heterocyclic scaffolds based on the RCM/isomerization/cyclization cascade catalyzed by a Ru/B-H binary catalyst system
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsInamdar, SM, Chakrabarty, I, Patil, NT
JournalRSC Advances
Date PublishedMAR

An easy and straightforward preparation of pyrrole-embedded aza-heterocyclic scaffolds employing a Ru/B-H binary catalyst system has been developed. The strategy generates a diverse array of privileged scaffolds from 2-aminophenyl group appended pyrroles that can be prepared by a two-step process from corresponding aminoaryl-substituted pyrroles. The technique of incorporating 2-aminoaromatic groups in the heterocycles and their subsequent ring-closing-metathesis (RCM) isomerization followed by subsequent Pictet-Spengler type reaction should also be applicable to other heterocycles for generating a library of multi-ring compounds in an efficient manner.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)3.289
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry