Ultra small nanoclusters to nanoparticles: fine tuning of particle size in water dispersible cation functionalized thiolate protected Pd system

TitleUltra small nanoclusters to nanoparticles: fine tuning of particle size in water dispersible cation functionalized thiolate protected Pd system
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsDhanraj, P, Samanta, A, R. Devi, N
JournalMaterials Today-Proceedings
Date PublishedMAR
AbstractMonolayer protected noble metal nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention in the past decade with potential applications in fields ranging from catalysis to biosensors [1, 2,]. We have developed a novel procedure for the synthesis of water dispersible Pd nanoparticles based on a bifunctional ligand, N,N,N-tripropyl(11-mercaptoundecyl) ammonium chloride in which thiol group binds to the metal, hydrophobic middle alkyl chain acts as capping agent and provides steric stability and on the other end the ammonia group helps in making nanoparticles hydrophilic. In this paper, we report the fine-tuning of size of water dispersible Pd nanosystems ranging from clusters to nanoparticles by adjusting the synthetic parameters and their characterization. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Indian
Impact Factor (IF)0.837
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

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