Tuning of the magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite by forced distribution of substituted divalent metal ions at different crystallographic sites

TitleTuning of the magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite by forced distribution of substituted divalent metal ions at different crystallographic sites
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAnantharamaiah, PN, Joy, PA
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Date PublishedMAR
Type of ArticleArticle
AbstractComparative studies have been made to understand the role of different crystallographic site preferences of the substituted non-magnetic divalent metal ions in the magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite, by substitution of Zn2+ and/or Mg2+ for Fe3+ in CoMgxFe2-xO4, CoZnxFe2-xO4, and CoMgx/2Znx/2Fe2-xO4 (0.0 = 0.1. Co-substitution of a small amount of Mg and Zn for Fe in CoMgx/2Znx/2Fe2-xO4 (x
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)2.176.
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry

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