Transport of yttrium metal ions through fibers supported liquid membrane solvent extraction

TitleTransport of yttrium metal ions through fibers supported liquid membrane solvent extraction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGaikwad, AG, Rajput, AM
JournalJournal of Rare Earths
Date PublishedFEB
Keywordschannel, extraction, fibers supported liquid membrane solvent extraction, PC-88A, rare earths, stripping, yttrium metal ion

A novel idea of transport of yttrium (III) metal ions through fibers supported liquid membrane in two stage processes namely source to membrane and membrane to receiving phase has been proposed. The fibers supported liquid membrane was impregnated with different concentrations carrier. The experimental variables explored were concentration of yttrium (III) ions, pH of source phase, PC-88A concentration in membrane phase, acid concentration in receiving phase and stirring speed. The pre-concentration of yttrium MO ions was investigated from the dilute solutions. The two-channel fibers supported liquid membrane solvent extraction was investigated for the transport of yttrium (III) ions from the source to membrane and membrane to receiving phase. The transport of yttrium (III) ions was observed through the fibers supported liquid membrane with capillary action.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)1.086
Divison category: 
Chemical Engineering & Process Development