Transition-metal-catalyzed reactions involving arynes

TitleTransition-metal-catalyzed reactions involving arynes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDhokale, RA, Mhaske, SB
Date PublishedJAN
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordsannulation, arynes, Cycloaddition, Insertion, multicomponent, Natural products, Transition Metal

The plethora of transformations attainable by the transition-metal-catalyzed reactions of arynes has found immense contemporary interest in the scientific community. This review highlights the scope and importance of transition-metal-catalyzed aryne reactions in the field of synthetic organic chemistry reported to date. It covers transformations achieved by the combination of arynes and various transition metals, which provide a facile access to a biaryl motif, fused polycyclic aromatic compounds, different novel carbocycles, various heterocycles, and complex natural products. 1 Introduction 2 Insertion of Arynes 3 Annulation of Arynes 4 Cycloaddition of Arynes 5 Multicomponent Reactions of Arynes 6 Miscellaneous Reactions of Arynes 7 Total Synthesis of Natural Products Using Arynes 8 Conclusion

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)2.650
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry

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