Ti-oxo radicals and product selectivity in olefin oxidations over titanosilicate molecular sieves

TitleTi-oxo radicals and product selectivity in olefin oxidations over titanosilicate molecular sieves
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsShetti, VN, Srinivas, D, Ratnasamy, P
JournalZeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics
Date PublishedJUL
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordscyclic voltammetry of titanosilicates, EPR-spin trap experiments, Molecular sieves, oxidations, product selectivity, reactive oxygen species, titaniunz-oxo radicals, Titanosilicates

The O-O bond of Ti-oxo species (Ti-peroxo, Ti-hydroperoxo or Ti-superoxo) generated on titanosilicate molecular sieves contacted with H2O2 cleaves either heterolytically or homolytically. While the former type of O-O cleavage (generating non-radical reactive oxygen intermediates) leads to selective epoxide products, the latter (generating reactive oxygen radical intermediates, O-2(-center dot) and HOOcenter dot) results in non-sclective, allylic oxidation products in cyclohexene oxidation. These radicals were detected using EPR spin trapping techniques 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) was used as the spin trap. Radical quenchers like hydroquinone suppressed their concentration and enhanced epoxide selectivity.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)1.133
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry