Synthesis of isohexide-di(ether-ene)s and ADMET polymerization

TitleSynthesis of isohexide-di(ether-ene)s and ADMET polymerization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRajput, BS, Lekshmy, KGirija, Menon, SK, Chikkali, SH
JournalGreen Materials
Date PublishedJUN
Type of ArticleArticle
AbstractAs the fossil fuel reserves deplete and the greenhouse gases increase, the scientific community is challenged to provide sustainable solutions. Sugar-based isohexides can be modified to prepare a library of isohexide-diene monomers for polymerization. Such isohexide diene monomers can be subjected to Acyclic Diene Metathesis Polymerization to obtain green materials. Here we report a single step synthetic protocol to access a small family of isohexide-di(ether-ene)s and the corresponding polymers. The isohexide di(ether-ene)s 2a-2c could be isolated in good to excellent yields under optimized conditions. The resultant isohexide-di(ether-ene)s 2a-2c are potential versatile building blocks for pharmaceuticals and material science. The synthetic utility of 2a-2c was demonstrated by subjecting them to ADMET polymerization using Grubbs 1st and 2nd generation catalysts. The resultant viscous material was evaluated using 1H NMR and MALDI-ToF-MS, which suggests the formation of anticipated ADMET polymers
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)8.506
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering

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