Synthesis and self-assembly of dumbbell shaped ZnO sub-micron structures using low temperature chemical bath deposition technique

TitleSynthesis and self-assembly of dumbbell shaped ZnO sub-micron structures using low temperature chemical bath deposition technique
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBorade, P, Joshi, KU, Gokarna, A, Lerondel, G, Walke, P, Late, DJ, Jejurikar, SM
JournalMaterials Chemistry and Physics
Date PublishedFEB
KeywordsElectron microscopy (STEM, Microstructure, Nanostructures, Optical properties, Photoluminescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and scattering, TEM and SEM)

We report well dispersed horizontal growth of ZnO sub-micron structures using simplest technique ever known i.e. chemical bath deposition (CBD). A set of samples were prepared under two different cases A) dumbbell shaped ZnO grown in CBD bath and B) tubular ZnO structures evolved from dumbbell shaped structures by dissolution mechanism. Single phase wurtzite ZnO formation is confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique in both cases. From the morphological investigations performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), sample prepared under case A indicate formation of hex bit tool (HBT) shaped ZnO crystals, which observed to self-organize to form dumbbell structures. Further these microstructures are then converted into tubular structures as a fragment of post CBD process. The possible mechanism responsible for the self-assembly of HBT units to form dumbbell structures is discussed. Observed free excitonic peak located at 370 nm in photoluminescence (PL) spectra recorded at 18 K indicate that the micro/nanostructures synthesized using CBD are of high optical quality. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Impact Factor (IF)2.101
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry