Synthesis and magnetic properties of polycrystalline Co-doped ZnO

TitleSynthesis and magnetic properties of polycrystalline Co-doped ZnO
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsDeka, S, Date, SK, Joy, PAlias
EditorSoohoo, RF
Conference Name9th International Conference on Ferrites (ICF-9)
Date PublishedAUG
PublisherAmer Ceram Soc; Japan Soc Powder & Powder Met; Int Magnet Assoc; Amer Phys Soc
Conference LocationSan Francisco, CA
ISBN Number1-57498-218-4

Nanocrystalline Zn1-xCoxO powders have been synthesized by a glycine-nitrate (GNP) and modified GNP methods. Ferromagnetism at room temperature and above is observed for the powder samples synthesized by GNP method. The saturation magnetization value at 300 K is obtained as 0.08 and 0.28 emu/g (at 1 T), respectively, for x = 0.05 and 0.1. Ferromagnetic transition occurs at 740 K and 770 K for the respective samples, which is much larger than that the reported in the literature for thin film samples. On the other hand, no ferromagnetism was observed, down to 10 K, for the compounds synthesized by the modified GNP method.

Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry