Synthesis and characterization of novel value added biodegradable poly(aleuritic acid) from renewable resources (shellac) and invertible amphiphilic behaviors in various solvents

TitleSynthesis and characterization of novel value added biodegradable poly(aleuritic acid) from renewable resources (shellac) and invertible amphiphilic behaviors in various solvents
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
IssueArticle Number: 131
Date PublishedNOV
AbstractA novel biodegradable polymer poly(aleuritic acid) (PAA) ((M) over barw - 120,000) was prepared from aleuritic acid, which was obtained from renewable resources (Lac) by using tin catalyst. Aleuritic acid (AL) was protected at 9, 10 position by dimethoxy propane. The protected AL (Pro.AL) was further polymerized to obtain linear protected polyaleuritic acid (PAL) by dehydropolycondensation. Effects of various kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were studied. After polymerization, the deprotection of PAL was carried out. The synthesized PAL and PAA were characterized by using various techniques such as FT-IR, LC-MS, SEC, NMR (H-1 and C-13), C-13 CP/MAS (Cross Polarization / Magic Angle Spinning) of solid PAA, DSC, SEM and TEM etc. The micelle and inverted micelle -structure in polar and nonpolar solvents are highlighted.
Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)0.574
Divison category: 
Polymer Science & Engineering