Synthesis and characterization of AlPO4-5RT molecular sieve at room temperature

TitleSynthesis and characterization of AlPO4-5RT molecular sieve at room temperature
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsVenkatathri, N
JournalJournal of the Indian Chemical Society
Date PublishedJUL
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsAluminophosphate, Molecular sieve

Aluminophosphate molecular sieve AlPO4-5RT (AlPO4-5, prepared at room temperature) have been synthesized using hexamethyleneimine template at room temperature for the first time. Gel composition Al2O3 : P2O5 : 1.16HEM : 45H(2)O aging for 12 h at room temperature, and in 24 h, 473 K are the standard reaction conditions for synthesis of AlPO4-5. Studies on above gel composition at room temperature shows the presence of AlPO4-5 crystals. Both the aluminophosphates have been characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, SEM, FT-IR, TG/DTA, and C-13, Al-27 and P-31 MASNMR techniques. XRD analysis of AlPO4-5RT shows that the presence of low intensed pseudobochmite sample. SEM shows the morphology nanosized crystals along with platelets. TG/DTA analysis reveals the presence of maximum five stages elimination of templates. Carbon and nitrogen analysis shows that the presence of four template molecules per unitcell. C-13 MASNMR analysis shows the interaction of template with structure of the framework. Al-27 MASNMR shows the presence of small amount of octahedral co-ordination besides the rest are in tetrahedral co-ordination. P-31 MASNMR shows the presence of two environmentally different tetrahedrally co-ordinated phosphorous atoms.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


Impact Factor (IF)0.145
Divison category: 
Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry