Superspin glass behavior of a nonstoichiometric lanthanum manganite LaMnO3.13

TitleSuperspin glass behavior of a nonstoichiometric lanthanum manganite LaMnO3.13
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSankar, CR, Joy, PAlias
JournalPhysical Review B
Date PublishedOCT
Type of ArticleArticle

Aging and memory effects are observed in an oxygen nonstoichiometric lanthanum manganite LaMnO3.13 from time-dependent dc magnetic measurements by employing various cooling protocols. The results can be best described by the superspin glass model of interacting magnetic nanoparticles system. The possible origin of such a behavior is the confinement of interacting small magnetic clusters formed as a result of the formation of manganese vacancies, along with the random distribution of tetravalent manganese ions in the lattice.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)3.718
Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry