Study of base-catalyzed aldol reaction of trimethylsilyl enolates

TitleStudy of base-catalyzed aldol reaction of trimethylsilyl enolates
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSutar, RL, Joshi, NN
JournalIndian Journal of Chemistry Section B-Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry
Date PublishedDEC
KeywordsAldol reaction, base catalyzed, carboxylate salts, lithium amides

Mukaiyama-type aldol reaction of trimethylsilyl enolates with aldehydes in the presence of a base is a complicated reaction. It usually results in various products determined by the nature of base and reaction medium. The present study has been undertaken to understand these factors and design new Lewis base catalysts to optimize the yield of desired aldol product. It has been shown that mild Bronsted base with inbuilt hydrogen bonding sites are efficient catalysts for the reactions involving trimethylsilyl enolates. Based on the observed results, a mechanism is proposed to explain the reaction outcome.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Indian
Impact Factor (IF)0.48
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry