Structure elucidation of beta-cyclodextrin-xylazine complex by a combination of quantitative H-1-H-1 ROESY and molecular dynamics studies

TitleStructure elucidation of beta-cyclodextrin-xylazine complex by a combination of quantitative H-1-H-1 ROESY and molecular dynamics studies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAli, SMashhood, Fatma, K, Dhokale, SA
JournalBeilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
Date PublishedSEP
Keywordsbeta-cyclodextrin, inclusion complex, ROESY, simulation studies, xylazine

The complexation of xylazine with beta-cyclodextrin was studied in aqueous medium. H-1 NMR titrations confirmed the formation of a 1:1 inclusion complex. A ROESY spectrum was recorded with long mixing time which contained TOCSY artifacts. It only confirmed the presence of xylazine aromatic ring in the beta-cyclodextrin cavity. No information regarding the mode of penetration, from the wide or narrow side, could be obtained. We calculated the peak intensity ratio from the inter-proton distances for the most stable conformations obtained by molecular dynamics studies in vacuum. The results show that highly accurate structural information can be deduced efficiently by the combined use of quantitative ROESY and molecular dynamics analysis. On the other hand, a ROESY spectrum with no spin diffusion can only compliment an averaged ensemble conformation obtained by molecular dynamics which is generally considered ambiguous.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)2.803
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry