Stereospecific synthesis of C-arabinofuranosides and carba-disaccharide analogues of Motif C of cell wall AG complex of Mtb

TitleStereospecific synthesis of C-arabinofuranosides and carba-disaccharide analogues of Motif C of cell wall AG complex of Mtb
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsPatil, RS, Ahire, KM, Ramana, CV
JournalTetrahedron Letters
Date PublishedNOV
KeywordsArabinose, C-Glycosides, Carba-disaccharide, Cell wall AG complex, Ring transposition

A simple strategy for the synthesis of alpha- and beta-C-arabinofuranosides featuring a furan ring transposition reaction has been developed. A novel double furan ring transposition reaction has proposed and executed for the synthesis of the carba-disaccharide analogue of Motif C of the cell wall AG complex of Mtb. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)Foreign
Impact Factor (IF)2.397
Divison category: 
Organic Chemistry