Sponge microflowers of NiCo2O4: a versatile material for high performance supercapacitor

TitleSponge microflowers of NiCo2O4: a versatile material for high performance supercapacitor
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsGhadage, A, Kodam, P, Nadargi, D, Shinde, KP, Mulla, I, Park, JS, Suryavanshi, S
JournalJournal of Porous Materials
Date PublishedAUG
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordshydrothermal, Microflowers, Nickel cobaltite, supercapacitor

We report the development of well optimised NiCo2O4 microflowers for high performance supercapacitor application. The efforts were made to optimise the electrode material by tuning the synthetic as well as electrolyte concentration parameters such as (i) hydrothermal reaction temperature, (ii) hydrothermal reaction time, (iii) sintering temperature, and (iv) electrolyte concentration. The physico-chemical and supercapacitive properties were analysed using TGA, XRD, SEM/TEM/HRTEM, XPS, BET, and electrochemical measurements. The well optimised electrode material was obtained at 150 degrees C hydrothermal reaction temperature, 12 h of hydrothermal reaction time, 300 degrees C sintering temperature, and 3 M KOH electrolyte concentration. The optimised sample displayed high specific -capacitance (1478 F/g), -energy density (16.5 Wh/kg), and -power density (248 W/kg). The specific capacitance can be retained to 97.61% after 1000 cycles. The developed NiCo2O4 microflower structures are well optimised and offer great promise for future industrial applications.

Type of Journal (Indian or Foreign)


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Divison category: 
Physical and Materials Chemistry
Web of Science (WoS)

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