Short synthesis of (+)-harzialactone A and (R)-(+)-4-hexanolide via proline-catalyzed sequential alpha-aminooxylation and horner-wadsworth-emmons olefination of aldehydes

TitleShort synthesis of (+)-harzialactone A and (R)-(+)-4-hexanolide via proline-catalyzed sequential alpha-aminooxylation and horner-wadsworth-emmons olefination of aldehydes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsKotkar, SP, Suryavanshi, GS, Sudalai, A
Date PublishedAUG
Type of ArticleArticle
Keywordscore-shell nanoparticles, Gold, HRTEM, interfacial seeded growth, Silver, XPS

{In melts, ring polymers assume more compact conformations compared to linear chains with the same degree of polymerization N-r, i.e. R-r similar to N-r(nu) with nu approximate to 0.4, where R-r is the radius of gyration. Upon gradually substituting some of the ring polymers with linear chains, the ring molecules swell. In the limit of infinite dilution, their size scales as R-r similar to N-r(0.5). We present a scaling argument based on the blob model to capture this transition. Ring-linear blends are modeled as a semidilute solution of ring polymers in a theta-solvent consisting of linear chains. The model predicts that the size of the ring polymer remains unchanged up to the overlap concentration c(r)(*

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Chemical Engineering & Process Development